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Posts posted by JBrigman

  1. We too have way too many to buy for and I always suggest the swap, but it never seems to happen. I know y'all are gonna' think this sounds horrible, but we don't buy our kids gifts. They get so much from all our family, it would just be a waste of money. Maybe when they are older, but not now when they have more than they can even open in a day, let along play with, wear, use, etc... Same goes for their birthdays.

  2. Not to mention afford, it's all about space and sure Good Mews and groups like my own are in fact no-kill, but we turn people down by the dozens. Good mews has about a 6 month long waiting list. County shelters have to euthanize animals, they have no choice. But they can do it humanely (not by means of a gas chamber) and take good care of the animals while in their care.

  3. I went to Rock Eagle too, when I was in the fifth grade and attended Brown Elementary. I don't remember any skits, but have a photo of my holding this huge snake around my neck and wearing some pretty embarrassing overallas, which were too cool at the time.

  4. From my understand it was because he and the crew captured Andrew Luster (the Max Factor heir/rapist) and they would not turn him over to their police and brought him back to the US. So The Max Factor folks claim Dog kidnapped him.

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