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Everything posted by kyro

  1. kyro

    My stove

    They didn't know..hopefully not much longer!
  2. kyro

    My stove

    Just talked to the Gas company and apparently there is an outage. Now to start bundling up :0
  3. kyro

    My stove

    I think it is more than the stove because I just checked my thermostat and it is 66 in here when it should be 68. So I guess the heat isn't working either
  4. kyro

    My stove

    It's clicking and I haven't tried a match..my husband works from home 4 days a week...figures this happens on the day he's in the office
  5. kyro

    My stove

    So I had my potatoes starting to boil and all of a sudden the flame went out. Now I can't get any of the burners to start up and the stove is not coming on either. Before anyone asks-I did pay the Gas bill so that can not be it. My husband isn't home yet to check it out so I thought I'd see if you all had any ideas. Thanks
  6. I'm looking forward to Ellen being on the show but I do think it is doomed without Simon
  7. My mom has it and loves it. She has two black labs and it seems to really get the hair up!
  8. One day I will make it over to try ya'll out!
  9. This is our first time going...is it that loud to where I should be concerned for my kids? I know we don't have that great of seats so I don't think we will be that close??
  10. I thought I had seen Douglas on one of the scrolls along the bottom of the screen but don't hold me to it
  11. We used to live on a cul de sac and someone actually parked blocking our driveway..so my dad sat and waited until the person came to get in their car and turned the sprinklers on.
  12. That was the second show I had seen and I was speechless
  13. I ended up going with this recipe and it was delicious! My whole family loved it...even my little one who doesn't like anything said he liked it!
  14. It comes on A&E on Monday nights at 10 and then one at 11..
  15. Thanks for all the ideas/suggestions. I'm going to the store tomorrow and will attempt for tomorrow night. Sounds like a good meal for a cold night!
  16. So I was born and raised here in Georgia but have never had Chicken and dumplings and I would like to attempt to make it after hearing how good they are. Can you guys give me your input or recipe so that I can make them maybe tomorrow night. Thanks so much!
  17. I think this is great idea...I always am motivated at first and then lose it a few weeks in. This would be a great way to keep the motivation and help motivate others too!
  18. Cobb goes back Tuesday(Monday is a teacher workday) and Paulding goes back tomorrow I'm going to miss my kids
  19. I'm going to have to try some of these recipes..and reading them has made me hungry!
  20. How much for the children's theatre class?
  21. Rotel- 1/2 a block of velveeta cheese and a can of Rotel tomatoes...microwave and serve with tortilla chips
  22. We went last Sunday and left after my 7 yr old realized that was not the "real" Santa..we ended up going to Town Center
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