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King Tux Rentals

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Everything posted by King Tux Rentals

  1. Thank you, LPPT! You're among my treasured friends! Have a wonderful Christmas!!
  2. Thanks LR! Same to you and your family!!
  3. Scroll Down and "Click on the Pic"
  4. I'd like to wish the entire PCOM family "Merry Christmas!"
  5. Thanks, LR. Remember my offer of $20 to anyone who refers a wedding couple to King Tux and they decide to get their tuxes here. A wedding couple can self-refer, if you'd like for them to have the $20!
  6. Take a slice or two of thinly sliced turkey, ham, chicken, or beef and place on top of that, a slice of your favorite cheese. Roll the two together, like you were rolling up carpet, trim the edges, cut cleanly in to bitesized pieces. They should be held together and served with toothpicks. Serve with or without a dipping sauce.
  7. Here you go, LR. I didn't realize that pictures can't be sent by PM, but I guess there's a good reason for that..
  8. Sorry I didn't make it over to you, KRM. I was stuck in the corner!
  9. I went! It was so great to meet kelwil and kewlisa and Thoughts, finally - And to see so many other PCOM friends there. Thanks, C. Mark Willix, for the nice words. You did great! I really wish that those who didn't make it could've been there. It was a good time!
  10. That's me, too. But I'm chalking up the loss of memory to age.....
  11. Me, either, CA. At least, not to the many formal balls that take place there. It's around Feb 16th this year, I think. I'm hoping that someone who goes can share a little bit about their experiences.
  12. Who has been to Mardi Gras before and attended one of the Balls? Who is going this year?
  13. Our tuxedo rentals are just $99.99 -- For Everything! Yes, that includes your choice of vest and tie and shoes. Our slogan for 2010 is "Rent From King Tux - Save 50 Bucks!" The fifty bucks are those over $99.99 that the competition charges you. The fine quality tuxes will be between $150 and $180 at the big chain stores! The rough and out-of-date tuxes are the ones that they have for their teaser rates. Call up any tuxedo company and ask about their prices. You'll want to be cautious of any tux company that says, "It depends...." or "Our prices START at...." Translated, that means, "we
  14. King Tux Rentals, the fastest-growing tuxedo company in Metro Atlanta, offers a Holiday Gift Certificate for prom/wedding rentals. These Gift Certificates are redeemable by the recipient for EITHER a complete tuxedo rental (includes everything) or a fine-quality tuxedo jacket and pants for them to keep! The best part of this program is that you do not have to do any shopping and you can get the gift certificate in time for your family get-togethers for the Christmas season! You can order these from home by calling this week/weekend - (404) 431-7094 The price for EITHER the tux rental o
  15. Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Merry XMAS, Have a good day, Good Morning - They're all good wishes and positive, so I'm happy to receive them.
  16. That's how I cook mine, as well, Mark - Except I add a dash of liquid smoke that gives it a unique flavor/aroma.
  17. Here's how you get here: King Tux Rentals 2015 Barrett Lakes Blvd. Suite 105 Kennesaw, GA 30144 (404) 431-7094 From Paulding County 1. Take Dallas Hwy (Hwy 120) toward Marietta to Barrett Parkway. 2. Turn left on Barrett Parkway 3. Go approximately 7 miles, past Hwy 41 and past the CarMax dealership. 4. At a red light, less than one mile away, turn right onto Barrett Lakes Blvd. 5. Go about 200 yards to the AMLI complex and turn right. 6. Make an immediate left in front of the row of businesses. 7. Continue down to Suit
  18. Despite the really low prices, this is some pretty good stuff. I'll remove items as they are claimed. PM or call (404) 431-7094 Tool box with basic tools (hammer, screwdrivers, pliers, etc) - $10 Tasco Camo Binoculars - $4 6' Cast net - works - $2 Trolling Motor New, but doesn't work. Minn-Kota $5 (maybe you can get it to work) Large spool of black thread - new 10000 m $1 Master lock with key - $1 Spinning Rod (rod only) $1 Battery Charger - Minn-Kota (nearly new) $5 Boat anchor (5 lb?) with rope - (nearly new) $5 Small Plastic gas can $1 Davis Veterin
  19. FYI - We accept credit card payments through our website http://www.kingtuxrentals.com If you know your sizes, you can place your order from home and it will be ready when you come to pick it up and try it on. Or -- we retain your measurements, if you've been here before. We do not retain or distribute your address, phone number or fiancial information, though. We regard that information as private and your measurements are only retained for the convenience of reordering, so that you don't have to physically come back in when you place a new order with us.
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