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Posts posted by MissSophie

  1. A deposit made after 2 will show on your balance the same day, but will not be available till the next day. Most banks do this.


    Including credit unions. (But I still prefer credit unions)


    thanks for info ,is there a credit union in paulding co.?


    There is a credit union next to Kroger on 278, across from the Walmart; close to Allon Salon.

  2. Please keep my mom in your prayers.


    She has been diagnosed with calciphlaxis as well as congestive heart failure. This disease is very rare and fatal. It has to do with kidney failure and skin lesions that do not really ever heal.


    She is in Extreme pain all of the time....regardless of her pain medications. She is also developing more skin lesions and the ones she has are only getting worse. She on 2 different IV meds given via Pic line.


    She is only 61 years old. She is not able to see well enough to read at this point and is talking more and more every day about giving up the fight and just dieing.


    I am an only child so the only ones to take care of her are me and my dad...along with my husband.

    This can be hard to do and still keep life as normal as possible for our 14 yo son and 2 yo daughter...as well as being in the classroom every day for some of the students in this county.


    My heart is breaking as I watch my mom suffer like this.


    Please put and keep her in your prayers. She badly needs a miracle at this point.



    My God wrap his comforting arms around your mother and take her fear and her pain as his own; and give her courage and rest and hope to fight the fight. May you be given the strength to be caregiver to her, your Dad and your own family. May the doctors have the wisdom to do as much as possible to ease your mother's strife and condition. Join hands as a family with those of our Father and pray for his will. I am sorry to hear of your heartache.


    Thank you


  3. Well it was nice to know I am in good company. I also watch the same episodes over and over.


    Can you imagine them all as teenagers!!!!!! Ditto on the Maddie thing - gosh she is a handful; but I guess it is hard to have 6 younger kids sucking up the attention!


    Well, anyway; thanks for all the great comments!

  4. Please, no bashing; I know not everyone agrees but I love this show. Those kids say the cutest stuff (as do my own grandgirls).


    Little Collin just said - I don't have to go potty; I have a weiner; Daddys have weiners! Well, he's right! And he wasn't giggling; just letting us all know!

  5. I have 4 dogs. I really want to install hard wood or laminate floors in the main portion of the house and probably keep carpet in the bedrooms.


    With this gang of mutts :rolleyes: , what are the pros and cons of hard wood vs. laminate?


    Another question - what happens if there is an "accident" (that would be the dreaded pee pee)?



    Thank you!

  6. Laundry, Spot carpet cleaning, BBQ ribs (umm), clean bedroom and bathroom, get pkgs ready to send to DD and friend. And some movies if I have time! Might force down a glass of wine as I relax.

  7. I remember the smell of the gun oil she used when she cleaned her "tommy gun" as she called it she would sit me in her lap and let me load the magazine before she went on a bank job, and always let me help her count the take when she returned. Sometimes when we visited her in prison she would let me color in some of her tatoos. The last time she broke out she let me sit in her lap and drive the get away car, (I almost ran one of the cops that was chasing us off the road).

    I miss her alot but her wanted poster at the post office keeps her close to mind.


    That really is funny and I'll bet yer crying like a little girl rememberin' all the neat stuff she did with you but you can't bring yerself to talk of it!!! Pansey Pants! LOL!!!

  8. Stop already! Yer breakin my heart!!! I already have 4; thank God, or I would probably be tempted!! Gosh they sound great! I'll ask around but us animal lovers seem to be best friends with other animal lovers and we all have more than we should; don't know when to quit.


    I'll throw in bag of food!!

  9. I did something of this nature last year. A young waitress was so nice and very patient. As I left, she was super busy, I never said a word, I just slipped $30 in her apron and left. I hope she enjoyed it!!


    Sometimes, I'll slip a manager some money and ask him to pay for part of the next person's dinner. I love doing that; they have no idea where it came from!!

  10. So, I had planned a day of cleaning during a rare day off. I had also planned to take my daughter to lunch. Then a movie comes on. I don't get out much so I had missed it when it first came out.


    I get interested and alter my day and clean while watching the movie.


    Well, it just went off. It was a stupid tear-jerker. Dang, it had me crying like I had just watched someone I care about pass away. Thankfully, I was at home. My daughter came out of her room to check on me. Sweet girl.


    Soooo, if you plan to watch Pay it Forward - you have been warned.


    I knew that was the movie you were going to say you watched. That made me so mad. I had no idea where that was going! I cried like a little girl - no wait, I am a girl.


  11. My grandma was a huge General Hospital fan. The soaps were her "shows".

    I used to sit and watch it with her. Now she's gone and I call it my show now.

    She would always paint her toes red and I used to beg her to paint mine. But she never did.

    So now I do mine red all the time.


    I am sorry you are missing your grandma tonight.


    ooh, ooh, ooh, and I just remembered; she used Dippity Doo! LOL

  12. Only three????????????


    Denzel Washington- absolutely love this man

    Brad Pitt - I luuuuuuuuuuuvv that rough look

    Robert Redford - old; I DON"T care.


    Jake Gukenheimer - or whatever his name is

    George Clooney

    Leonardo DiCaprio - floats my boat IF you know what I mean





  13. My grandma always said "sammich" instead of sandwich!


    Once you ate one of the foods on your plate, she added another serving - no arguing with her.


    She always said "Hay not?" which was Pennsylvania dutch for Ok? ain't? "That is good meat, hay not?" Or hain't? the official contraction for hay not.


    When pizza first came out - she called it pizzzzzzzzzza pie; like a "z" sound.


    She did NOT do dishes. That was grandpa's job!


    She had skin that was as soft as a baby's behind.


    Missing my grandma tonight.



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