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Status Updates posted by redheadedstepchild

  1. I love you when you are naked!

  2. I love you!! Thank you for Saturday!

  3. I tried to add you as my friend on myspace and could not get it to work!

  4. I will bring it. You should come to the lake wif me this weekend. We were out there last weekend and I was tore the hell up!

  5. If you are going to stalk me you better say hi dammit! I heart you!

  6. It is about damn time you joined!

  7. It really isnt that big of a deal I am just in a mood to complain today! Come by and say hi!

  8. It was good to see you!

  9. It was so good to see you tonight!

  10. Its good. I would like to see you soon.

  11. Just be yourself and people should like you you. If not you can come sit next to me!

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