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Everything posted by gwiw

  1. WOW! I am reading all these posts. My goodness, has it turned ugly. Getting the law involved, doctors etc. If the child is scarred then possibly. But how many of us on here had our hide tanned and we are not scarred for life. This is a lesson he learned and maybe he and his parents will take the pushing thing a little more seriously now. Like I posted earlier, it is never ok to push someone in the pool. My youngest got pushed in when she was around 5 and the one that pushed her in landed on her. I had to jump in to get the child off of her, let me tell you, I came unglued. I will say
  2. But you said he does this all the time with your other children, so my guess is you never explained how dangerous it is. Maybe the other dad "yelled" and told him about the dangers and maybe he answered "I do this all the time and no one has gotten hurt before." Which could have been mistaken for back talk. I don't know if you heard the conversation or not. Still doesn't give him the right, I am just saying there may be more to the story. Back talk, disrespect from other kids makes me mad also especially when it has to do with safety.
  3. He shouldn't have spanked your child. But you said the Mama bear come out in you.....well what about the Daddy bear coming out in him. Your son pushed him in, and I never find this acceptable. I don't necessarily have the philosophy of boys will be boys or kids will be kids. We still have to teach them right from wrong. The boy he pushed could have gotten hurt, by snapping his head back and hitting it on the dock, or he could have not moved out of the way and when your son jumped in and he could have landed on him. Which I have seen this many times at our local pool. Kids just don't reali
  4. I had one done in Feb. It went well, did about 10 min. I have heard that you have to lie down to do the echo but the Doc I went to, has one that you sit upright and rest your head on your arms. Ohhhh it was much better because I am sure lying down afterwards you felt like your heart was going to jump out of your chest.
  5. Enjoy your sloppy joe's
  6. True...sauce did come in can, I really meant Not Manwich. Maybe next time I will make the sauce from scratch too. NOT
  7. Homemade sloppy joe's and tater tots. Yummmm
  8. Spoke to the person we are renting a house from on June 12th and said she didn't know of any oil in Santa Rosa. But said we have until Friday June 11th to cancel and get a FULL REFUND!!!!!!!!
  9. teatime... what homeschool program do you use. I am thinking of homeschooling my 5th grader. Thanks
  10. To everyone...........don't let your termite program run out. We moved here about 16 yrs ago, bought a new house and after the one year warranty we didn't renew. We thought, why pay for this, we won't get termites it is something that you get when the house is much much older, not brand new. WE WERE WRONG!!!!!!!!!! We lived in the house for 7 years and about the fifth year I noticed a swarm of bugs, had no idea what they were. Turned out to be termites. The whole front bay window of the dining room was eaten through. Thousands of dollars later it was repaired. The whole front wall had t
  11. Aren't they putting an indoor ski place there? Maybe whoever is putting that in will take over the lodge.
  12. Haven't been, but desperately want to go to St. Augustine FL. I hear it is beautiful, historic and there is a beach. Also try Savannah. Good Luck.
  13. gwiw

    My Wife

    I guess if you like being outdoors, then this is good. But for the women who cut the grass.....Do your husbands do any house work? I know mine wouldn't that is why when we got married, 20 some years ago , We "signed" a contract....I would not cut the grass, plant a flower or pull a weed.....he in turn would not cook, do laundry or vacuum. Has worked out pretty well since I don't like the whole gardening thing....such a girly girl! But I think I now have the raw end of the deal, see when this was signed we lived in FLA where grass cutting was YEAR ROUND. But oh well, when it is 90+
  14. Haven't used one in years. Besides, they just take up space.
  15. Last week went to Fla. Went to South Beach, just one day. Can't say what area is good or bad, but there were A LOT of topless ladies on the beach. So be careful taking the younger ones to the beach.
  16. gwiw


    A dear friend of mine is a certified teacher in paulding county. She is tutoring now. Her name is Julie Haygood 770-974-7391. She was actually my oldest daughters 5th grade teacher. Call her, she will be a tremendous help.
  17. Cruise thing sounds nice, but we can never go during the holidays, hubby works retail. But we are going on a european cruise soon and the temps will be in the 60-70's. CAN'T WAIT.
  18. Born and raised in South Florida, moved here 15 years ago. I love the change of seasons here and especially enjoy the cold winters. Being by the pool or at the beach on Christmas just ain't right!!!!! The humidity if Fla. is aweful and it lasts from March until Nov. At least here we only have it for a couple of months. WE only go back to visit in Feb and April.
  19. This is a great idea, and a fun way of entertaining the kiddos. Plus, you can get dinner out of the way. Sounds like fun, but what about the Mom's.....do we get in free or should we STAY HOME IN PEACE AND QUIET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I will opt for the latter.
  20. We switced all three of ours when they were potty trained. This way... if they had to go at night they could get out and tell us. I would suggest a regular size bed, twin or full and put on the rails. They felt grown up and we never had a problem with them crawling out. Of course we set the rules early on and reinforced them. Good Luck
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