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Posts posted by Gone

  1. Keeping up with the Jones.

    Exactly... the kids get all sorts of pressure at school to spend and donate money. All the fund raisers pictures, yearbooks the list goes on and on, then add more proms earlier?


    My high school son and his girlfriend chose to go to her Junior/Senior prom last year as juniors. They realized they had fun because of the friends that were at the dance, but the music sucked so they could hardly dance, the place they had it was sweltering hot like the AC was not turned on, and they would have had a better time without the other people that were not their friends who were being idiots and rude.


    So this year they did their own thing with the same fun group of friends that hung out at the prom together last year.


    They got dressed up (no tux...just nice slacks, dress shirt and tie for boys.... party dress for girls) went out to dinner, went to a place to dance, went bowling at a place each lane has lounge seats on each lane like a club, and saw Xmen after midnight (the day it was released).... all for a fraction of the limo, dinner, tux, formal dress, shoes, corsage, boutonniere, hair and nails, and the daddy of the expense .... prom tickets!


    I think they had more fun and made better memories. AND the pictures were better!


    They said if they had not been to a prom, they would not have done it ...but they already did the prom thing and it was just not that great.


  2. The nice thing about tube TV's is that when neighbors and friends get a new flat screen, they will donate their perfectly fine tube TV to your boys .... My kids have been given 3 TV's this year!


    One was a 28" or 30", two were small, one will be perfect to fit in a camper (we can hook the portable DVD player to it and the sound quality is louder!)




  3. My father was raised in military boarding schools from the time he was 4 years old because my Grandfather was a Naval Officer stationed all over the world. They felt he should be raised in the States due to the war and climate of that era.


    Whenever my brother or I did something he disagreed with, he would threaten to send us to military boarding school. When I was a teenager I figured out it was because it was the worst punishment he could think of. (But he never would have done it.)


    Maybe in today’s society we need to get back to the time when military boarding schools were an option to straighten out teens headed in the wrong direction, give leadership skills, as well as discipline. There are too many stories of out of control teens that the parents have no idea what to do next. Perhaps with that as an option some future thugs could instead be molded into a leader instead.


  4. I would agree, which is why I choose to stay home. We make it work financially. Being the product of a working mom, I think it's better for kids to have a mom at home. But, that's just my opinion. It is hard to make ends meet and make things work on one income .. now that is something we should get kuddo's for. :)


    This is ALL Kudos for Mom … any and all moms!.... This is all in preparation for Mother's Day on Sunday... A little guilt to get that breakfast in bed for mom going I suspect! :D They might not pay you... but you get "A DAY."


  5. My job is worth $123,000+ a year..........I am still waiting on my check from when they announced this last year..... <_<




    My DH said why don't they add up what we do? I laughed, and should have said "What is sitting on the couch watching TV worth in a free market?"... but he had just spent hours replacing some broken tile in the kitchen ... so I had no leg to stand on for that one! :lol: Buuuuuuttttt usually...... I'm just saying. ;)

  6. You decide for yourself...I think it is pure BS to increase water rates. plus........ the whole thing is wrong ... the amount of water released daily is wasteful. They have to release so much because they put sewage in the river.... so the "water quality" means sewage.




    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on Thursday denied metro Atlanta’s request to further raise Lake Lanier by minimizing water releases for another month.


    The corps cited the drought’s abatement as the reason


    Earlier this week, state climatologist David Stooksbury said Georgia's drought was over.




    Georgia Environmental Protection Division Director Carol Couch, who previously requested the reduced releases, declined to make the request this time. She determined sending less water down the Chattahoochee River in May could harm the trout population. As temperatures warm, water quality declines.



    The corps’ decision was announced in a regularly scheduled conference call with Georgia, Florida and Alabama. The states have been fighting over Lanier’s water since 1990.


    Florida and Alabama opposed the corps’ decision last year to reduce releases from November through April 30, a conservation measure that raised the lake about one foot.


    Winter rains raised Lanier far more. Since late December, the lake has risen nearly 13 feet and stands about 7 feet below full, higher than it has been since August 2007.



    The fight over who controls the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River is tied to how metro Atlanta manages its water. Georgia, Alabama and Florida have been battling for years on how to divide that area.


    Georgia wants the corps to keep more water in Lanier, metro Atlanta’s primary water source; Alabama and Florida want the corps to release more downstream to maintain a nuclear power plant near Dothan, Ala., and to protect Florida’s oyster industry in the Apalachicola Bay.




    When the drought began in 2006, the weather collided with corps policy, creating metro Atlanta's water crisis late last year. That led to the near-total ban on outdoor watering and a state mandate to reduce water use by 10 percent.


    In the spring of 2006, the corps began releasing billions of gallons of additional water from Lanier and the other federal reservoirs on the Chattahoochee to assist fewer than 10 federally protected Gulf sturgeon fish in laying their eggs.

    At the same time, the corps was accidentally releasing more than 22 billion gallons of water from Lanier due to a faulty gauge that measures the lake's elevation. The result was a nearly 2-foot drop from which the lake never fully recovered.


    The two actions coincided with the beginning of metro Atlanta's record-busting drought, now entering its third year.


    As Atlanta's Commissioner of the Department of Watershed Management Rob Hunter told a Congressional committee last month, the drought has been terrible, but "it is the management plan implemented by the corps that has been the real disaster."

    Not much was done about the lost water from the faulty gauge, other than a public tongue-lashing of an Army general by Georgia's two U.S. senators.


    But when the corps sent copious amounts of water down to Florida for the prehistoric fish and several types of threatened and endangered freshwater mussels, with very little scientific data to support the need for the additional water, Gov. Sonny Perdue and state Environmental Protection Division Director Carol Couch protested, to no avail.









  7. A high school senior at East Paulding High School was driving from East Paulding Drive turning left (east) onto 120. She either hydroplaned, or lost control and over corrected in her VW bug as she made the turn. Her car ended up in the wrong lane where she and another small car collided head on. (She was going east in the westbound lane.)


    The other driver was taken off on a stretcher, injured but not critical it appeared. The high schooler was taken to Grady by life flight.


    My son was at the scene as life flight took off. She is a friend of his. They were all going to Wendy’s after church tonight. They got a call about the wreck …so left Wendy’s to go back and help. Obviously the wreck was worse than the initial call indicated.


    Please pray for her, I have no more information about her condition, as I do not know her family. But keep her family in your prayer too. This has got to be every parent’s nightmare.


    Pray for the driver of the other car too. I don’t know if it was a man or woman.

  8. Looks like a good way to get the swine flu ... sucking on the same card! :rofl: The potential of passing germs ...good thing it has not made it to Georgia! :o


    But really, that looks fun! Kinda like bobbing for apples where everyone is sharing the same water... it's always fun... but I always wonder. ;)


  9. I read some article that said a lot of people wash their hands...but they leave out their thumb, specifically the back of the thumb and up the hand from the thumb.


    Watch how easy it is (not to wash your thumb) when you wash your hands. They were recommending helping kids learn how to wash their hands...same info… sing happy birthday 2 times ....soap... warm water ... but include the thumb! :p


  10. I'm not sure, but I would be careful that you do not say you declined a job.... even though it was part time. I think that can get you bounced too. Does not matter the reason.


    Obviously you need to use the time to find a full time job to replace the one you had... but I do not think the Unemployment Office cares about that.

  11. The Pentagon announced TODAY the formation of a new 500-man elite fighting unit called the United States Redneck Special Forces (USRSF)


    These boys will be dropped off in Gulf of Aden off Somalia 's northern coast and have been given only the following facts about Pirate Terrorists :


    1. The season opened today.

    2. There is no limit.

    3. They taste just like chicken.

    4. They don't like beer, pickups, country music or Jesus.

    5. They are directly responsible for the death of Dale Earnhardt.


    The Pentagon expects the problem in Gulf of Aden off Somalia 's northern coast to be over by Friday.









  12. It means nothing that I took these tests personally and know how simple they are? It means nothing that I know it's possible to excel with no more than this "failing" curriculum? I'll keep that in mind, that my opinion doesn't matter. When I'm trying to get your kids to pay attention for five minutes so they might finally learn elementary algebra (it's disgusting how many people don't understand the most basic concepts), I'll keep in mind that what really matters is that children don't stress out upon realizing that they might need to actually learn something in order to advance in school. When I'm trying to teach a room full of kids distracted by their phones and busy discussing how awesome that party was last night, I'll remember that this is actually better for them, because that's what the parents think. And heaven knows, parents are always right.


    Have none of you stopped to think that the schools stress these tests so much because they do teach the curriculum? They know that these kids should know damn well what they're doing. If a student fails, he either really is insufficient and in need of remedial courses, or he's just dicking around and bringing down the school's average. I'm sad to say I know far more in the latter category, so you'll have to forgive me if I take it for granted that the classes taking the CRCT now are similar.


    My kid has no cell phone, nor does he go to parties.... and based on your above comments I hope no one's child I know gets you as a teacher?

  13. This is not quite true. The ITBS is one of several standardized tests which are considered "nationally applicable", the CRCT is only "state applicable". The ITBS is skills based, like problem solving skills and such, the CRCT is knowledge based, as in when the constitution was signed. Switching to a skills based nationally applicable test would not require a change in standards, you just would not have a measurement of standards based on knowledge of specific information. It's all in WHAT it is you want the test to measure.

    Correct, but my understanding was our state would have to declare what "standards" they hold the kids up to, so they can determine if they are gaining the skills they need each year. No child left behind left it to each state to test for proficiency.

  14. I don't have children; I took the CRCT myself.

    You probably will have bright kids, who never struggle and glide through with the same ease you had.


    However you will have the same heartache if you have a child that is capable of learning more...only the curriculum is not set up for the most success for your child ... who is doing their home work, taking notes and paying attention in school, not causing trouble, not distracting others... in essence doing what they need to do. But they still are struggling. Then when they have put the time in gotten good grades ...then face the prospect of a test given 7 weeks before the end of school deciding whether they are promoted to the next grade.



    Again if we only focus on the top 10 %, or in your case top 1 % of the students... as you said you did fine being educated in Paulding ... I'm not sure that is a great judge of how well our tax dollars are being spent, or whether it is meeting the needs of our kids.


    By the way the CRCT changed last year...AGAIN... that is why they threw out the Social studies portion... they asked things that were not in the books, nor were they in the standards to teach. My son passed, but that is because he loves history and studies it outside of what school offers ... so like you, he is not a barometer of how well the CRCT was written to test what was taught. :pardon:




    If we used the ITBS....the State has to say what they are testing on…the “standards” to prove the teachers are making sure “no child is left behind.”


    So if we used the (Iowa Test of Basic Skills) ITBS which has a great reputation, as do others, we would need to adopt their state standards. Which by the way… I would be in support of adopting any other state that scores in the top of our nation… and adopt their curriculum and books…. Our text books currently are less than desirable…


    What I have seen in middle school is that much of the information on our “standards” is not in the text books …so each teacher has to use outside resources… which is fine, but there is no book to take home to study.


    A parent cannot go over the lesson learned with their child…there are only your kid’s notes… My 13 year old takes notes… but sometimes the notes are not correct… I know what he wrote he must have mis-understood… so then trying to undo the bad information is a mess… (especially with a hard headed child.)


    You can go on the internet to prove it… but my son still thinks the teachers are the only authority (which is fine) …so I have to send the teacher an email to please review the information with him. With a text book you read over a passage…misunderstanding solved. And how much other information did my kid just not write down, that if there were a text book to read would be covered?


  16. What would it hurt to give them the IBST at the start of the year and then again at the end of the year? Same test- makes it easier to see where they are and what they've learned.


  17. I was educated in Georgia all my life. Every time I took the ITBS (as well as the CRCT), I scored in the ninety-ninth percentile. I had college credit out of high school and started my freshman year taking advanced math. And I'm not the only one! Can we really blame a curriculum that is capable of producing cases such as my own? If the curriculum were so terrible, if it didn't teach what it should, would it not fail everyone?

    By the way ...I suspect if you are in the 99th percentile...you are the exception...not the rule.


    Your brilliance does not mean the teachers or the curriculum help a normal... bright... not brilliant like yourself ... child succeed. Our whole objective is to get these kids educated and on to a solid start in life. Not just the top 1 or 2 percent! The better the education, the better the life they will have, the more productive they will be, and the stronger our nation will be.


    The current curriculum is woeful when you look at Georgia scoring so low in relation to the 50 other states. So all this CRCT testing aside... yes, the kids need to pass to show proficiency ... but let’s have the competence based on better information taught!


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