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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. I triple dipple dog dare you with a cherry on top
  2. we can always hit the report button... maybe we can hit the report button on all the threads to make Andy feel loved and to give him something to do
  3. are you saying my pants look hot ya know there are a ton of 2nd lines for that rhyme I have heard about a jelly jar, nose longer than a telephone wire and a few more
  4. what can he do... he said he was short handed. I look at it as an invite to play jk... I try to be good most the time anyway
  5. I heard people are plotting to slip beano in your coffee to help with your fa..... gas
  6. Dang is better than Bang I will take the dang any day
  7. whatcha talking bout sheriff ... pcommers ALWAYS behave
  8. this is the church we have been visiting the past few sundays... we like it and my DD loves Fusion
  9. did you ever tell me who Hannitey is?
  10. who went to bed late? ( not me) I have been up since 4am, have you? whats a Hannity? what do you consider a good thing? who?
  11. Can I take a nap now? why did I have to get up so early?
  12. how do you learn without asking questions?
  13. I haven't changed it for anyone else , so what makes you so different?
  14. we saw it last night... I was bored with it , my dh said it was ok with some boring moments and cheesy moments but the DD loved it
  15. isn't it ironic...don't ya think?
  16. The American title is Destination Home but the international title is The Greening Of Whitney Brown here is the IMDB page http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1507564/
  17. I am playing on Facebook too... it is saving me today!
  18. I am stuck in the parents greenroom for the next 5 hours My DD is filming a movie the rest of the week so I will be stuck those days too ugh... I hate waiting some of these moms are cray cray
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