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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. hamburger stinkin helper.. ugh but sometimes it does hit the spot
  2. oh lawd, I am turning into my mom and repeating myself
  3. I stay far away from there and the religious forum
  4. well I have had 2 people tell me I am entertaining them today...lol ugh this place drives me crazy but I loooove it PF? is that some new fangled chat lingo
  5. yuck... gross! If the stench is that bad... I would call the county so they could condemned or at least cleaned up!!! That just sounds plan NASTY!!!! Right now I am thankful for that little yapping dog of our neighbors
  6. well I say Thank You all The time... when they give me a straw, my change or card back and when they give me my food. When I drove off I made a point to say Thank you again...haha Plus is is sad that we have made it kind of a game to see how many times we can get them to say it in the short time we are there ...ha lol... what a ray of sunshine But if I do do business with someone I do want them to wish me a nice day or a my pleasure... jk
  7. that would be Generation y http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_Y anywhoooo... not all are like that....people/parents/grandparents make them like that if my dd wants unlimited texting she has to pay for it... if she forgets to pay me or doesn't have the money then she doesn't have the service. lol y'all are cracking me up
  8. btw... you can call the cops on that too. in my old hood we had a few vacant houses that people would break into to hang... the cops fixed it why don't people know our laws...geeze I have only called the cops twice 1.) for someone trying to break in my home while I was there 2.) when they were in a vacant house even if they are not in the house at the time and have been in there the police can still secure it and get intouch with the owner or bank
  9. my dd is looking forward to my mom coming down for a week while I will be gone...she says she don't have chores and she gets a lot of gifts..haha
  10. awww why don't she know how to work? my dd worked and paid for her own stuff and she is in high school
  11. lol... you didn't give her age the 1st time silly willy but even when my dd turns 21 I will have no issue telling her to cover it up
  12. what is with all the dumb questions today people!!! yes you should be worried ya silly My dd is 16 and still not allowed to go costume shopping without me. due to the fact that 99% of the costumes look like they are streetwalkers! ha... give your baby a hug and take 1 hour out of your day to take her shopping... hahaha
  13. in your 1st post you said they were looking for drug money... ummm yeah that screams danger to me if they enter your home "just to hang" without you knowing/permission that is still breaking and entertaining Am I on candied pcom or something... ha
  14. but yet you will not call the cops on people breaking into your home!!! that is mind blowing to me!!!! EVen if you do know them you need to call the police and have documentation of these events. You come to pcom and ask for help but yet you defend your actions and probably still have not called the police. here is a great piece of advise sweetie...don't ask for advise if you are not gonna take it omg!!! for real!!!
  15. I do admit it is entertaining ... but I hate to see it at others expense
  16. I miss the restaurant HOP'S and I really really miss their honey butter croissants
  17. is your smiley flicking us off... ha off subject I know...sorry
  18. My Pleasure ... rofl if you have been on my FB I am in a mood today...lol
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