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mei lan

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About mei lan

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    Northeast Paulding

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  1. Hey, beautiful! I been busYYYYYYYYYYYY. Hope to be online more soon.
  2. I have a perfectly fine sectional sofa with a queen bed pullout that is a little dated and a little dusty, but it's a great piece. Medium blue striped. Can text photo if interested. Also have an upright freezer. MUST BE PICKED UP TODAY - Crossroads area. Call me at 706-676-5953 if interested.
  3. Beautifully said, my dear. My heart goes out to this devastated family.
  4. Oh, man, he was a classic. One of the best actors ever (and I don't say that lightly). Hans Gruber was awesome. And Jeremy Irons as his brother in Die Hard III was also great. Gotta love those Brit actors.
  5. HAHAHAHAA That is hilarious. hahahahaaa BTW, last I saw, they're backing off on frozen precip for this weekend. Possible in Feb, though.
  6. Well, I'm just so sorry. A sorry end to a sorry (and massive) episode. May all your days be more pleasant than the one before it.
  7. They might need SOME people due to their low birth rate. I rather doubt they NEED gang rapists by the boatload.
  8. My mom used to just stay at the hospital for however long till the snow ended. The blizzard in '93, she was there for 4 1/2 days.
  9. God bless whoever this is, and prayers for success in recovery. Some of my dearest friends are recovering alcoholics, and had I ever started down that path, I have no doubt it would be very hard for me to break from it.
  10. Then you ain't following the master predictor of all winter weather, DDD on the GON website.
  11. You picked the wrong year to not want snow, sister. El Nino is here, and colder/wetter for us. DDD is talking big storm projected for Jan 18-22.
  12. Hideous. There are videos out now showing mistreatment of women in several European spots. Not cool. BEYOND not cool. I think their opening their borders wide for all those to come in will jump up and bite them in the hiney, and in more ways than one.
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