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Everything posted by MJ110560

  1. I won't argue that point, I will argue my message (genuine, sacrificing, change is long past due) de·moc·ra·cy - government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system. a state having such a form of government: The United States and Canada are democracies.
  2. This is why we have to elect honest men and women, that have character and not someone with loads of money and 20 year connections in the community. It is called acting and being "above reproach" and falls in line with that old cliche' "Character is doing the right thing, even when noone is looking". We must take that thought one step more by having an attitude of willingness to sacrifice all, if it means reporting a fellow representative or lobbyist, for even suspcions of unethical and/or criminal behavior. Any Democracy will only stand as long as morals, ethics and laws are enforced. Mini
  3. I have signed and faxed my pledge to Common Cause about one week ago. What will be interesting, is those who signed this pledge and then give some lame excuse for why they didn't sign the actual bill when it is introduced.
  4. NewsJunky Absolutely not a supporter of"Obamascare"! I have always been a Republican and will always be a Republican. I Never have been a proponent of socialism. I do think people need help at times in their life. I think the "haves" should always be aware and concerned about the "have not's". With that said, the problem should not be corrected by a forced "share the wealth" mentality. The strong should always help the weak, but Government has no place or right, taking from the successful/wealthy to administer a welfare program that has failed and continues to foster laziness. Healthcare
  5. To: Mr. Gullett: Chairman Paulding County Republican Party Ms. Everhart: Chairman Georgia Republican Party From: Michael R. James: District 19 Republican House Seat Candidate I have been referred to as the "Mystery Man" candidate for the House Seat in District 19, Paulding County. With that being said, I would like to pose a hypothetical question, to both of you. If it were revealed, that I had been arrested for Insurance Fraud, Simple Battery and had a Federal Tax Lien against me, would you still have let me join the Republican Party, as a Candidate to represent
  6. Michael Ray James; has never been arrested and is definitely not a serial killer
  7. Please participate in S.O.D. or (Stamp Out Drugs) for Paulding County. Everyone, including myself, knows someone personally or has a family member that has been destroyed by Drugs. Whether it is illegal prescription drugs, illegal K2 or Spice, Meth, Heroin, Marijuana, etc., we have all been directly or indirectly affected by this family and life destroyer. Why does it continue to persist? Is this not one of Paulding Counties most urgent problems? I need your help, and it will only cost you the price of a 45 cent stamp. We need to target the producers, dealers and phony companies that are
  8. Thanks for the kind words. I would reply with, Roll Tide Roll, but Georgia, Florida, Auburn, Tech Fans, may not vote for me. So I won't say, Roll Tide Roll, for that reason. It would be political suicide if I said Roll Tide Roll, so I just refuse to say Roll Tide Roll. ps Garland: I apoligize(sp?)(Pubby, I need spell check. You know teachers can't spell) for the delay in responding. I did post info about me, and I would be glad to meet or talk on the phone, but whatever you do, please don't ask me to say, Roll Tide Roll! Phone 678-787-3632 or I love Martin's in Hiram. ps Melissa
  9. I will be glad to talk with anyone, anytime about anything. I know I would make a great House Rep for District 19. I have a lot of character and a very respectful nature, yet will never ignore confronting and fighting to change the smallest wrong-doing, coverups and blatant "seemingly protected" government corruption, in our wonderful State. This sounds like a cliche', but I promise you, I am not going to the Capitol to "fit in", I'm going to clean "House".
  10. I heard he was really good looking and smart. I think he's an Alabama fan, but doesn't want the voters to know about it. I think he has dropped the "Ray" after someone told him about this post I think he posted info on his "about me" page, but he's struggling with the photo upload
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