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Everything posted by copschick

  1. nose is done...hair is done...whew...I am feeling much less blah. Thanks to all who let me whine!
  2. woohoo!!! thanks!!!!! :yahoo:
  3. Thank you to Pubby and pcom for the great friends that I have made. And I don't mean the kind of friends that I just get on here and chat with and cut up with...2 of my best friends are a direct result of coming on this board and meeting new people. I love the fact that a community that is so diverse can come together on so many different levels and teach others so much. I know we dont always agree or see eye to eye, but at the end of the day, we can sit back and laugh with each other about the day to day craziness our lives give us. So anyway...THANKS
  4. Its not fun when your husband says something ugly about you and you can't defend yourself though...
  5. mine too...and my youngest never nursed a day in his life...
  6. Tyler (lil Tow#2) long story...I just needed a break. It is really quite nice...my phone aint blowing up anymore. AND, people have to call me if they wanna know whats up! LOL
  7. I'm almost at 5000 posts....help me get there today
  8. ok, yeah...THAT is cute!
  9. yeah...I had to come in the topic cause I was a little concerned about you wanting something blue
  10. woohoo...guess we can be classmates And you do know you gotta take the Teas Before Aug 9th, right? Thats the cutoff date for applications to the nursing program for the Class of 2013
  11. I go to Chattahoochee Tech. And keep in mind that you can do your core classes anywhere...
  12. The bottom line is that we aren't in other civilizations....we are here...this is America. I'm sure that there are customs that we have here that other cultures find odd. Each society dictates it's own "norm". I will venture out on a limb to say that the majority in our society, don't find it normal to breastfeed anything other than infants, at least not in public. I think breastfeeding is wonderful, natural, and yes, healthy. It promotes a bonding that supercedes all others. I just don't wanna see some woman in the mall with her toddler sitting on a bench nursing him/her. When a child can
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