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Everything posted by xxrsellars

  1. you are freaking unbelievable. I was done reading your BS after the first sentence.......WOW!!
  2. Pssst ! Mr Mom, find a babysitter, clean up the golf clubs, reserve your tee times, have fun. Just make sure you're home before the real Mom....
  3. Mr Pubby thinks ... GOP is bad, Republicans are bad, it's all Bush's fault, only Liberal/Democrats, far left Guberment is Golden. ... Maybe that's why he goes off the rail.
  4. Yep, your "main post of the day" is BS !! along with this one.
  5. And the IRS ain't done with taking your money, or putting you in jail, or taking your property......... "When It Comes to Health-Care Reform, the IRS Rules" "It's also going to help manage who might get health care." http://www.cnbc.com/id/100711119?__source=xfinity|mod&par=xfinity
  6. They're not wearing a uniform.............yet But I heard they are practicing the "High Step" march Sieg Heil !!!
  7. Tell that Bullchit to the parents and loved ones who died, DA !!!
  8. And you say someone else doesn't have a clue!! Got it...
  9. So, back to my post #117, can you answer that one???
  10. Nice purse ya got there CC....
  11. So you didn't watch it So what Facts do you know ??
  12. But, Obama has been blaming President Bush now for four + years, so I guess the buck doesn't stop with Dems. Wonder if those WMD went to Syria from Iraq..Hmmmmmm
  13. Don't forget, use the right hand when saluting
  14. Wonder if the Navy would take him out and bury him next to Osama ??
  15. Slick Willy didn't get his blowjob in her house or his house (private residence of the WH) he got it in the Peoples House, Government Office.....Generals got fired for chit like this happening in a Government office, like the Pentagon, or in Afghanistan. But, I wouldn't expect you to see it that way, being so far left as you are, I'll just chalk that up as an illness.
  16. Did you see a lot of this when you were in the Military?? I didn't during my 21+ years in the Army. I know times have changed, that "wink and a nod" is sexual harassment by today's standards.
  17. I would probably pull over cause......Unless they got a big sign that says "this is that Terrorist AH Tsarnaev from Boston " I wouldn't know who is in the Hearse.
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