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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Hey CC, were you in Vietnam?
  2. Well, it’s like my mom used to say the two things you have to do in this life is die and pay taxes. We never had kids but we did/do have to pay school taxes and you are very right about there being no choice but to pay those taxes. I think I was directing that comment more towards the “volunteer” or charity contribution some folks take on. I also agree with the other poster that said that since they don’t have children, he felt that they had contributed enough through the forced payment of school taxes. I got lectured once because I had brought up that they should be grateful for people
  3. It’s funny that the desire to want to help others has been dissected down to political party. That’s nuts and, in my mind anyway, not really accurate. We have all met them, you know the people that are always looking for either a cheaper way, or even better, a free ride to get what they want. There is nothing wrong with this mindset but the ones that really get under my skin are the ones that could afford to pay but because there are ways around it, they opt for the free pass, just because they can. Then they have the nerve to brag about it! Personally, I think it’s up to the indi
  4. Goldens have had my heart for decades now. First one made it to 14 years, second made it to 10 years, third one made it to 8 years old. Such special dogs, they take a chunk of your heart that when you lose them its like being hit by a Mack truck. Our third golden was our last one, I just cant lose another. Cancer has taken over so many of the retriever lines, especially Goldens. I dont know how or why but anyone I speak to that has/have Goldens, have lost them to some kind of cancer, and I mean that literally. Beautiful, goofy, loyal, kind, loving, smart.....they take the cake in
  5. Just some more BS from the unapologetic master BSer.
  6. Cherry picking sound bites from questionable people and publishing them as cornerstones of political beliefs is dirty play. For people to take them as gospel and promote them as gospel for any political party is enough for reasonable people to point at these people as dumbassess in the first degree. As is often the case trump tends to talk out of his butt. The President of the United States should not get in the gutter by using this type of language. He does it to rile up the outrage and then points the outrage at his opponents. Most of his supporters seem to lap it up like cream.
  7. For ANYONE to think that ANY law abiding American, be it black, white, brown, orange, conservative, Democrat, Republican would even by ANY stretch of the imagination look to back or support a member of this MS 13 gang is a victim of being at the least stupid and at the most very stupid. How sad to see people pinning support on members of the MS 13 on folks like the Democrats and Pubby. You folks have certainly lost your minds. Your leadership is failing you if this is what they are telling you.
  8. I have found that Samsung’s are tough to get serviced period. Our ice maker is out too. Our washer went out not too long ago and I had to go through Dependable. $$. And it took a week and a half for them to come out. Please let me know if you find someone else who services them. Thanks in advance.
  9. rockysmom


    We tried one of these too. When you look at a cube, if it’s cloudy there is a lot of air in the cube which means they melt fast and I mean really fast which means they water down your drink quicker. I like the clear cubes cause they last longer. Hey, I warned y’all, I’m real picky about my ice. LOL Just as an aside, I read that if you boil the ice tray water, you will end up with crystal clear cubes. Haven’t tried this but I don’t think that I’m willing to go to that length. Hey, I’m bored but I’m not sure I am THAT bored.
  10. rockysmom


    Yup, and it was a REPAIR guy who told me that. Just FYI, not all dg carry this kind of ice but you’ll be able to see that it’s large individual cubes.
  11. rockysmom


    K not exactly sure where you live but the dollar general on goldmine has really good cubed ice and I’m picky about ice. Just a another quirk I have. I want to say it’s hometown ice or something like that. Our ice maker went out too and I refuse to get it fixed (I was told they are designed to break) so we are back to making ice too. I got those oversized ice trays from amazon and they are working out just fine.
  12. rockysmom


    Let me look something up....I’ll be back.
  13. rockysmom


    LOL.....2400 ice cubes, JSC, are you having a party? Just let us know when K?
  14. Thanks for that info. In your research did you come across any info as to why these rather overwhelming numbers are happening? TIA
  15. Well said and I agree.
  16. I certainly did, see post #88. I want these people to go through the proper channels in order to gain admittance into this county.
  17. They could certainly step in and fix this quickly and follow up with another solution that would fix this permanently.
  18. So these people are willing to further jeopardize their admittance by lying to the authorities.
  19. Jamie, as far as I know, trump could change his policy with a pen without congressional approval. If you know something different please share.
  20. This was not an issue (of any great proportion except some cherry picked photos but not nearly what it has grown into) before trump decided to separate children from their parents so why did it blow up? I wonder if there is something else going on and this is just another diversion tactic. No one wants these people released into this country without the proper requirements being met. Again, I wonder what is motivating these people to try and cross illegally when they know what the consequences are. Why aren’t we hearing more about this side of the story? Some are saying they want asylu
  21. Are you seriously going to say that ANYONE is suggesting that a “pinky promise” as a legal way to gain entry is the way to go? I get the impression that you are being condescending. When you are ready to have a “grown up” discussion on this issue, let me know.
  22. Where did I post that I support “unfettered illegal entry” for anyone who shows up at the border with a child? I didn’t. You can say what you like but that doesn’t mean it’s the truth. You are lying. I support legal entry and I am asking myself just how bad does the threat that they are feeling need to be for these parents to be separated from their children? I would like to find a video that explains this rationale.
  23. Democrats did not require the separation of children from their parents. The existing LAW does not call for the separation of children from their parents PERIOD. It is the POLICY of the trump administration that the children and parents be separated. That policy can be changed by trumps pen. There is no need for congress to approve anything. The situation is being milked by trump as an opportunity to lie to the American people AGAIN. I don’t know which is crazier, the lies, or the fact that the trump followers are believing what he is saying. Talk about people being sheep.
  24. We didn’t have any luck with these big name companies either. They say they are spraying all this stuff but as far I could tell, it might as well have been water. The lawn never looked any better and it wasn’t cheap either.
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