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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Of course. Once you get yourself in a corner you resort to insults. LMAO LOL. Bull.
  2. But wait.......aren't you the one constantly calling the left "sheep" and blind for following the party? I think "following the tone you set for the board" is much more "sheep" like.
  3. So memes are an source for truth in politics in your mind huh? Got it. Bull. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/obama-slams-donald-trumps-flattery-vladimir-putin-unprecedented/story?id=42878807
  4. You didn't know how to spell his full name so hush. I did not back Hillary as a candidate, in fact, I thought she was a terrible candidate. Keeping up with her speaking schedule is the last thing on my list. Also, this thread has nothing to do with her but nice try.
  5. "Gordy" wasn't Putin. You are the only one grasping at straws. I'm out.
  6. The US and Russia do not enjoy that type of relationship. Until trump that is. So....we should just allow people to post fake news and not comment on it? Is the definition of "grasping at straws" when someone questions the "truth" being posted? I call bull on that as well.
  7. You enjoy wasting people's time don't you? No credible sites listed and the last one, USA Today article confirmed trumps congrats to Putin. I'll take comfort in knowing you wasted your time putting that pile of nonsense together.
  8. Bull. I cannot find any credible evidence that supports this. Did you find anything other than a twitter post?
  9. rockysmom


    Well, looks like it's OK. Thanks guys.
  10. rockysmom


    Need to test my wifi.........
  11. Let's say I'm in apple or att hell (I'm sure some will understand) and I'm on a call when they finally call me back, I'll say I'm sorry but I have to go so I can take this call.
  12. All of these indictments were issued on nothing but unsubstantiated claims? I really don't think so. "You guys" is supposed to reference demorcrates right? The Demorcrates do not run the FBI nor is the FBI supposed to have any party affiliation so that concept does not apply. An investigation was requested and an investigation is being done. Not by any party, by the FBI.
  13. Is that the real reason? Because of Hillary? Doesn't the FBI have an obligation to investigate? You don't like what coming out of the investigation. Why? I say let the facts speak for themselves.
  14. Oh no, this situation should be handled just as the Hillary situation was. Investigations, hearings, testimony, etc all. Millions and millions dollars spent. Shoes on the other foot now and you want to sweep trumps bs under the rug? LOL. Partisan much?
  15. Good. I'm thinking it might take a lot of hands on this issue to make it right so who knows how long it will take to see a difference.
  16. Hummm....http://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-clintons-russia-trump-688592
  17. Either your comprehension is off or you are being a troll. I suspect it's the latter. Mods, please close this thread.
  18. We are not talking about all knives, handguns, hammers, rocks, other's bare hands, feet, fist. We are talking about assault type rifles. Exactly where did I post that I wanted to disarm people? Also, there are many, many, many people that support a ban and I am not being a elitist liberal.
  19. Target shooting? How many people have been killed in these mass murders? Home security? Who in the heck is going to break into your house to warrant this kind of firepower? There are many, many alternatives to having an assault type gun for home protection. Weak. Both of them. And certainly not justification to have them available to the general public. "Several of us have proven ......." is not correct. Then there's this: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/opinion/letters/ct-guns-ar15-rifles-shooting-nra-20180302-story.html
  20. Of course you are right. I wonder why they even respond in the first place.
  21. Please point out where I said that I wanted to take guns out of the general public hands. Anyone can clearly see that this thread is about the banning of assault weapons. Follow the description laid out in the proposed bill banning assault weapons for a clear definition of assault type weapons. I have not backed up on anything and anytime I see a parent who is in about out of their mind with grief because they have lost a child to this lunacy my feelings are just reinforced. You don't have any answers nor can you justify with just one example why these assault type weapons should
  22. Actually, I don't want to take guns out of the general public hands. I would like to see a ban on assault type weapon. I did not say that more government is the answer but what entity do you think would work best in getting these weapons out of the general public hands? What purpose do these assault type guns serve? Why are you so against a ban on assault weapons?
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