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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. rockysmom

    RIP Barney

    I've always enjoyed the White House dogs...no matter who was President. RIP Barney, I'm sure you did your humans proud.
  2. New York lost a part of it's recovery history with the passing of Ed Koch. He really turned it around. RIP Mr. Koch. New York loved you.
  3. This is what I know, the market has been doing very well. You can play with numbers all you like....I'm just really glad the market is doing well.
  4. Pastor is a joke. I've heard over and over that African Americans don't tip. In fact, I've seen it myself when I had to cover the tip on a 30.00 tab and my friend had left 2.00. Yes, she is African American. I don't post this because I want to encourage a racial tear down, I say this because it's true. I think it's more on the female side than on the male side through. Somehow, they think the waitstaff make money on the food served instead of tips. I was under the impression that they really don't see anything wrong with that practice.
  5. Tear up? I'm balling! So, so beautiful! Thanks.
  6. Yeah really. I'd jump a green broke 2 year old stud horse before I ever do that again. Way I see it, my chances of living through it are better. As least I don't think I'd hurl. Not on the horse anyway.
  7. I'm no chicken but that is scary stuff. When you realize you are going really fast, like REALLY FAST and the boat is just skimming the water and there is very little of anything in the water......I came close to hurling. I never want to do it again.
  8. Actually Freelip, I've gone really, really fast in a racing boat and it was the scariest experience of my life. There is no control, or at least, very little.
  9. The only thing I can think of is skiing and the bulbs need a cold snap. Other than that, I guess you are correct. Oh, wait snowmobiling is a blast as is ice skating and a real heavy snow.
  10. I hate you. But, unfortunately, you are correct. I looked into it and cold weather does not kill bugs. I always thought it did. Bummer.
  11. Isn't it heavy? I mean like really heavy?
  12. Huh? I've been around them for close to 4 months now and I've not noticed any odor.
  13. A hundred years ago, I got through a very, very tough time with Bell bottom blues. Seriously. 71? Really? This was more like 78.
  14. Hang tough. It will pass. Maybe you, me and NC need to go for dinner. Let me know so I can alert the resturant. I have the feeling, between the three of us, they will need the alert. Seriously. It would be fun. I reread your post Tabby and I should not have been so tough. I'm sorry for your hard time.
  15. Well then, I'm glad I did. Felt kinda, sorta a grandma Hubbard doing it but now I'm glad I did. Thanks.
  16. I just went out to the barn to put blankets on the horses. Temp? Here it's 41. I don't put blankets on above 35.... The winds makes it feel a whole lot colder than 41.
  17. Laurie, this is about personal growth, through hard times. If we let politics come into play.......it kinda kills the purpose of the thread. It's about personal growth while going through hard times.
  18. I've been in the position to recognize who is a worthless lowlife and who isn't. I would like to think I can see a scammer from a half mile away. I'm no Smuck. People have hard times. I totally get that. I'll help, if I can. If you are a scumbag....trust me, you will get nothing from me. I don't like scumbags.
  19. Well, I guess I may be arrogant cause I dont have much patience with people who won't, but can, help themselfs. And I guess I am prideful because my life could have worked out very differently, but it didn't because of hard work. I'm very proud of that. I'm good with it through. I have a good life but I do try to help others, if I can. People is a position to help out, should. The way I look at it is you are paving your way to goodness, or heaven. And your example is recognized.
  20. NO! I am done with the worry about weather today.
  21. It is the little things isn't it NC? Step by step. Particularly for women. You want company for dinner? Just letta me knowa
  22. Another topic forced these words out of me. I'm wondering how many of you good folks have faced a rough time? How did it work out for you? Are you scarred from it? Or stronger because of it? You don't need to spill your guts. If you would share how it worked out for you, I bet some folks could benefit from your words. It's a tough life eh?
  23. I really miss the old craft shows. Really. I guess people didn't watch them so the networks cancelled them
  24. Some of the comments in that link were haralious!
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