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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. They have electrical so far. Limited, but electric. Edited cause I'm wonky.
  2. I read that bail was set at 1300.00.
  3. Yep, could not remember the details. At least it worked out for her.
  4. What happened to your yellow lab? I thought he was working out for you.
  5. In Paris, my impression was they were. Just the punks anyway, my impression is they go out of their way to be rude, not all of them but the ones that were rude to me, left an impression. I was just wondering if GD had personal experience to form a personal opinion if the French really have BO. Of course we would have to include his personal experience with the French in Paulding and surrounding counties.
  6. Whitey, our airport is 160 acres. No? Because this article says it started with more than 100 acres than we have. http://www.atlanta-airport.com/Airport/ATL/Airport_History.aspx
  7. Tell you what, when our faults begin to affect my life directly instead of indirectly, like having bombs over my head, I'll be more than happy to bring out our faults. Me and mine are good.
  8. Bitter people? Nah. It's a valid discussion.
  9. Whitey, let me get this right. You think that you should be part of the end product that commissoners comes to? On every issue or what? Why are you not a commissoner?
  10. CC, I realize the our country has been overbearing and pretty arrogant in our dealings with foreign countries. I realize that. I love it anyway. I'm living a good life, hope you are too.
  11. Read it anyway you want crossroads. At the end of the day, the only thing that matters is what the courts find.
  12. I think we are speaking of two different "opinions." Of course you have a right to your personal opinion. I was referring to a legal opinion. I've been involved in the past with assisting people with getting "opinion letters" and let me tell you, first off it can be difficult to get many attorneys to provide an opinion because of the liability involved. Second, 9 out of 10 times, they are very, very expensive, again, because of the liability. It is the opinion of the court that matters. We shall see.
  13. Hey, do what you want. Just please make sure you don't get your tails tied into such a knot that you, personally, can't recover.
  14. That may be one of the most outrageous things I have seen you post. So, times really haven't changed around here have they? Somehow, people still think that it is OK to practice their own law and their own medicine. I am not talking about personal opinions here, I am talking about the letter of the law. To say that a lay person is able to review documents and give a legal opinion as to the content of these documents is ludicrous as well as being illegal because it is practicing law without a license. Also, does the county have an "out" in these documents? The lease is signed, corre
  15. I totally and completely agree that they need to hire qualified people that are absolutely experienced with this situation. Really I believe that is crucial to the success of the airport.
  16. What to other counties do? Is this the norm under such circumstances? Is it just job creation that the county is pushing? I'm sure that there is a small group of people that have financial issues with the growth. My opinion is that they should make these people whole. Be a good neighbor and all that. I hate the division within the county. That does nobody any good.
  17. Do I think it's right? No. Do I think it's reality? Yes. I'm not sucking on the governments teat for anything in my life. Truly. The airport is there, at some point and time it will be what whatever the county wants. Period. Done. They were elected by the people. You want to take on the county? Talk to some locals before you do that. K? They will clean your clock. To think the terms of this lease were arrived at someone's kitchen table is not reality.
  18. While you would like for people to believe that you are a grassroots organization. There is no way you don't have big guns behind you. The opposing county representation would have buried your cause by now. Nah, I don't believe it for a second. This type of litigation is brought on by the big guns.
  19. Well, since I have no idea who "them" might be, I have no idea who to ask. I would think the posters representing themselves as authorities would step up.
  20. No, I'm not chasing my tail. I'm asking for answers to honest, totally reasonable questions.
  21. I am not asking the questions of the counsel that you have. I am asking the questions of the posters on p.com. Or are you all mouthpieces of your counsel? That's a fairly dangerous way to open the door to misinterpretation.
  22. Guess I'm not going to get my questions answered. Folks demanding transparency so long as that transparency runs to them. Hummmmmm.
  23. Well these are very important facts that should be shared and made transparent. No? They are very important facts that might very well get more people behind your cause. No? Crossroads, do you speak for the whole cause?
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