This guy is the next president. I wasnt even watching the game and every sports channel had a breaking news etc etc. hope he is well but i mean kids get hurt every weekend and they dont get the hype he does.
well lets say you were at the red flashing light and no one stopped for you to get out or across the road. now we know there is alternate exits at that point however say there isnt. you would be cussing and complaining about people not stopping to let you out. its a catch 22. if you stop your being cautious.
i stop and if people dont want to stop behind me then they can go around or blow the horn or wreck into me. im going to be safe no matter what.
the problem i read in your report is the location of the the real world your right. since no witness and the other driver probally knowing this seen the area of damage and thought yep i got them...rule of thumb is what i was told some 18yeaqrs ago from my wreck just like yours is if its behind the door your at fault as they think you had time to break.
now if you fight this take a video camera to the intersection record the light then record how many people run the arrow light (which is yeild) then time yourself acclerating and then try and catch the light at 40 mph to prove y
If the car has a current emissions on it then one is not needed. in other words unless you bought the car in a county that does not need one then yes you need one. if it was bought in the county that requires one than it should had a valid emmisions as long as the seller had a valid tag..the dmv should be able to pull it up.
didnt read anywhere where it was a foreclosure. if it was its ashame as they didnt get to enjoy such a nice home. and then maybe the bank will loan alittle extra for sod then?!!!!!