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Everything posted by FreeBird

  1. It will cost you $10 to take to the transfer station.....
  2. 16-18 yof has made threats to cut wrist and apparently has done so and is bleeding SO 145/127, clark, rescue 10 enroute
  3. at tigerdirect.com better order right now http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=6696324&SRCCODE=WEM2525TT&cm_mmc=email-_-TEXT-_-WEM2528-_-tigeremail
  4. Glen, there is a lot of properties and land lots, plats, etc. listed in the public record notice of sale. I assume the properties sold on the first Tuesday. there is not a physical address but many acres/lots in an undeveloped section of my subdivision. Do you still think you'll have access to this?
  5. This is in Paulding that I am asking about.
  6. If a property is "sold on the courthouse steps" can the transation details be found online?
  7. I am happy with the way the closing was handled. After getting up at 6:30 and hearing on the scanner the SO deputies calling in that they were closing roads due to ice, I knew the school system would be closing school too. I am surprised it took them until 8:00 to do so.
  8. I did not hear much more on this one. 195 asked for the phone number to nearby Publix and that was all I heard on it....
  9. caller from 75 Lane Rd called 911- woman at his door bleeding from chest. she returned to 128 eng 1, SO enroute
  10. smoke reported in building, engines 1 & 3 enroute ladder 1, batt enroute all occupants out of home eng 1 on scene - reports nothing showing - out investigating reports of electrical buring smell upstairs ladder 1 on scene batt1 on scene eng 1 reports - nothing in building, cancel eng 3
  11. This morning I am getting a lot of bleed over on Clark's EMS frequency from, I believe, Walker county EMS. Units are fighting a fire but can't get fire trucks to the scene. I believe it is Burt Mountain.
  12. I think the issue is that you have not provided alternate day care services for the day.
  13. certainly the bus barn had official word before they started sending the drivers home at 8:06AM, right?
  14. I think sometime when the facts beat the "official word" the censors take over on this site. I've heard it 10 times from the bus barn telling bus drivers to go home.
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