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Everything posted by FreeBird

  1. they are having a lot of trouble finding location another dispatch stated that there was an off duty paramedic with the patient - requesting epi-pen 10-18
  2. I heard a lot of 27s and 28s being run on Dabbs Bridge Road yesterday? Come on - be honest - did you get busted? My many thanks to the deputies working DBR yesterday.
  3. animal control officers out and about checking on welfare cases report is is hot out there. I'm glad I have A/C!
  4. may be wrong on spelling of road R6 responding to 59 yom bleeding from mouth and throat.
  5. R1 responding to assist elderly female on 3rd floor Clark Med 1 responding also
  6. 59 yof fell from standing position - respond to main office Clark Med 1 responding - didn't pick up the station responding
  7. 68 yof conscious & breathing - general welfare Clark Med 3 responding
  8. PDOT must be fixing a washout.... anyone know if this is the correct spelling of the road name? Unable to locate on mapquest.
  9. 59 yof, conscious & breathing - needs BP checked. Diabetic.... R3, Clark Med 3 responding
  10. It is interesting that the tanker responded instead of the engine. There is hydrant service in the area. The tanker only carries 250 gallons more than the engine....
  11. I thought for sure this was an old post from 2004 - but no - our DPS workers still have radio problems three years later....
  12. Anyone know the status of the injured man driving a Black Chevy S-10 north on hwy 381 today about 3:35PM? He apparently had a seizure and ran off the road right into an embankment.
  13. 7 yof, not conscious/breathing Clark med 1, rescue 4, battalion 2 responding
  14. Yes, that is normally the way it works - the law enforcement agency is notified not long after or simultaneously (I believe there are separate dispatchers for law and fire) as the FD is toned out. I think Paulding notifies GSP in Carterville via land line and then the Trooper is dispatched from the Post 3 dispatcher in Cartersville.
  15. 705 is a female officer. In my experience, GSP (99% of the time), the SO, or Hiram PD is always dispatched to a 10-50.
  16. rescue 2 in service - Clark transporting one. The call came in as an accident with injuries. I've never heard of the PD or SO being dispatched first to 10-50 with injuries so they can advise on if fire & EMS is needed. Normally, I hear the dispatch to fire & Clark and then appropriate law enforcement agency. A little later I'll normally pick up the GSP dispatching a trooper. If there are injuries reported, the trooper is advised of that.
  17. rescue 2 en route with two on board. Hiram 705 dispatched interesting that 705 was dispatched at least 90 seconds before the FD.
  18. air rescue must be coming in - 3410 is at LZ Emory Flight en route - ETA of 9 minutes Engine 2 at LZ
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