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Everything posted by FreeBird

  1. SO 100 unit en route to 10-40 - FD cancelled, I haven't heard if coroner has been notified.
  2. E7 responding to report of person dead in small with truck in WB lane battalion, 3410 Clark med 1 responding SO 131 and another unit en route I don't think I've ever head a dispatcher refer to a person being dead before.
  3. didn't hear the details - I was on the phone. I think it was breathing difficulties. Engine 3 on scene
  4. Clark med 4 responding . R8 on scene and advises Clark to take first entrance (bus entrance) and go to back playground.
  5. R8, battalion and Clark med 3 en route to Shelton Elementary reference a fallen male child - history of heart problems. 3rd party caller
  6. R1 responding to 64 yof with diabetic problems, breathing, unresponsive & clammy.
  7. R3 and Clark med 4 responding to 77 yof with leg pain - persisting for several days....
  8. 33 yof, seizures, unconscious, breathing at this time rescue 1 en route 16:15 R1 on scene
  9. correction - engine 1 on scene - released by Clark, returning to service
  10. I didn't catch anything further on this one other than engine 1 being released around 14:35.
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