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Everything posted by FreeBird

  1. Clark med 1 to command - GSP Trooper dispatched Clark med 1 requests patient update from rescue 9 - R9 must be having radio problems.... engine 2 - one patient/female involved in roll-over - stable - preparing to package dispatch is having trouble hearing traffic
  2. R9 on scene - reports three vehicles involved - one with heavy damage, overturned in a yard. Two Clark units en route - med 1 is one unit. R9 to engine 2 - do you have two on board? no - only one - E2 on scene.
  3. rescue 9 responding to overturned Ford Explorer. Station unmanned R9 requesting secondary engine be toned. 3410 en route.
  4. rescue 3 responding to East Paulding HS for student with asthma attach. Respond non 10-18. (??? what's the point for calling 911 then?)
  5. I've been too busy to post anything, but just wanted to give a shout-out to SO unit 138 and K-9 Grep. Grep put one fleeing bad guy in the ER this evening. Suspect was put in custody at 61 and the chicken houses. Rescue 6 and Clark showed up to help the bad guy after Grep got through with him.
  6. Dispatch having hard time toning station 8. 3410 requested call be re-toned. Illegal burn reported in Pickett's Plantation - 133 Willow Brook Ct. Engine 8 responding
  7. 53 yof conscious, breathing - "general sick call" engine 2, clark med 2 responding
  8. 45 yom, had fainted with diff. breathing. clark med 3 responding, rescue 5 responding with two on board - station unmanned.
  9. near health department - flames scene in 10 x10 grass fire engine 1 responding. engine 1 - stopped at 278 just west of 61. Is this a second fire?
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