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Everything posted by FreeBird

  1. maybe motor vehicle accident? That's what I always took it to mean. Should I change title to SVA?
  2. R5 and CM3 responding to unresponsive victim involved in MVA. vehicle description(s) not provided
  3. SO units 195(maybe 175),177 sent to investigate possible OD 194 request name of subject - unknown - mother's name furnished
  4. R3 and CM4 responding to 23 yom - on medication and unconscious. called in by 3rd party.
  5. clark went on scene and R8 went into service before reaching woman. This one caught my attention - wouldn't you seek medical attention long before now if you had been vomiting for three days? I wouldn't think that was physically possible.
  6. 34 yof, consious/breathing - fell and can't get up. R8 and CM4 responding.
  7. just decided to call this one in. R3 and CM2 responding to 28 yof that has been vomiting for three days address withheld
  8. I believe E2 was on scene handling this. (corrected - E2 was on scene of a fire at a home) BoE just advised all the Dugan drivers to hold kids on the bus until staff allows the bus to unload.
  9. I have to get on a call - if anyone hears updates, please post. The fire is probably just about at salvage....
  10. SO units advise that traffic is a mess SO 190 advises traffic down to 1 lane at MP #2 E6 heading to station 1 for coverage.
  11. dispatch advises 3410 stations 1, 2, 9 unmanned - what type of equipment move-out needed for coverage? SO units dispatched for traffic pray that you do not have an emergency if you are in these coverage areas. units advised to go to FG1 3402 onscene
  12. 3410 on scene 12:42 E2 advises - ready for water deliver. send it on... L1 on scene, station 1 unmanned 3401 assuming command poor radio coverage - I just installed outdoor antenne
  13. E9 on scene, fully involved - looks abandoned requesting GFC *** requests SO for traffic - 92 will be shutdown E9 advises E2 of hydrant locations - requests E2 establish water supply E2 onscene.attempting to protect woods area -defensive mode sounds like the building is gone and the units are trying to protect the woods area
  14. many callers advised Northbound 92 near Bethel Church RD units arriving advise heavy smoke. Battalion calls for L1 to respond emergency
  15. s9, s2, s1, battalion, reserves on call fully involved structure Clark unit being advised in the area to not get blocked in the area.
  16. Yes - unit 26 (probably a shift captain) was speaking with the units on scene.
  17. The only other dispatches I heard was unit 26 advising the 10-23 officers to start a crime scene log.
  18. everyone was out as the initial call was placed for fire - fan in bedroom apparently sparked the fire. Lesson to all - have a fire extinguisher in your home and don't be afraid to use it - unless you enjoy "salvage operations". E10 was first on the scene with a quick response.
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