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Everything posted by genesiskenshin

  1. Millionaire, Deal or no deal, sudoku, word find, word scramble, kenken, and more. I love games.
  2. My father likes that yuengling stuff. I am not a big fan of it, but in his house, beer is beer.
  3. It is still going. I should think that it would have died out by now.
  4. Well the wiener is dead (i know that was bad)
  5. If you guys could, private message me the names so I can find them and make contact.
  6. Good luck on finding a rental managment company. I can't even find one that services West Paulding.
  7. Not good news about rain since my yard is to be cut today.
  8. Thank you. I have booked marked the page and am currently perusing it.
  9. I have always had an interest in computers and graphic design. But I am willing to do whatever to get my foot in the door of any company. My strengths are with researching, formal writing, analysis, organization, and putting the technical into easy to understand forms. At this point, I am taking my resume to my university to get help and read each job description. The only thing is all them want 2-5 years experience or more. How do I overcome that?
  10. I majored in History. As such I can go into pretty much any field doing research, writing, managing, HR. A history degree seems to be the catch all. I have ruled out working for the state, at least for the time being. I worked at a grocery store, a flooring store, an odds and end store, a hostess, data entry, and an embroidery store as an embroiderer. I worked steadily up until 2007 when I focused on my studies to get out of school.
  11. Come on ya'll a little advice would be much appreciated, cause it seems as if I am screwed for ever getting a job no matter what.
  12. No Pubby, I am not soliciting mine. I don't even live in Georgia any more and am not moving back. I just graduated from college. I have no experience other than little jobs that have no relevance to fields that I am going into. I have no references as all of them were for those little jobs. I am not part of any organization that would have relevance. How would I market myself for a job?
  13. LoL, good trick for the camera to catch. Ya know someone had to of rigged that up.
  14. Sounds about right. Get a drink while you are on the phone. It will help immensely.
  15. LOL. Gramma did that once. Just once. I am still amazed she knows all those words she said.
  16. 1) Gordon Biersh (San Francisco Beer) 2) Sam Adams 3) Dos Equis (amber) However, I prefer good Napa valley Wine and liquor to beer.
  17. LOL, there is something for you to post in the political forum Blazing Saddles. Yes I see you O_O
  18. Not reporting his death on Foxnews.com yet. I have three little muchkins here so I cant watch the news.
  19. Does it seem he is casing places for loot?
  20. I know how that feels. However, with our house still for sale in Georgia we can not buy one out here and can not do so until it sells even if once I have procured a job. By the time ours does sell, the housing prices up here will have gone up the 300,000 they have dropped. So I am going to bet I will never have a house again. Which bites.
  21. Maybe they shouldn't have been spending it on stuff we don't need like an airport and a new court house.
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