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Jayden's Mommy

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Everything posted by Jayden's Mommy

  1. Our neighbors were shooting Alabama-grade awesome fireworks, we were hanging on the porch enjoying it but it started storming and everybody stopped. Too bad. I hope it stops soon.
  2. Very smart move on the prosecution to play the phone call from jail. Casey is cussing at her parents and only concerned about talking to Tony when Caylee was supposed to be missing. It shows her true nature, doesnt it.
  3. What is the crap I keep seeing about Casey being pregnant?? Please tell me this isnt true! ...The Casey Anthony murder trial has been filled with more lies than Swiss cheese has holes as well as unexpected dangerous twists and turns which make Lombard Street in San Francisco look like a cake walk. As the trial winds down and closing arguments conclude, the most outrageous (and potentially horrendous) allegation recently hitting the Internet which is being taken seriously is the rumor that Casey Anthony may indeed be pregnant with suppositions falling on her defense attorney, Jose Baez,
  4. Amen!!! I didn't hear the jets out here, but I was sleeping like a rock until about 9am.
  5. Baez did a really decent job yesterday. He did much better than I was expecting. Linda is doing rebuttal right now, she is just all kinds of awesome. I like her a lot!! I hope they reach a verdict today because Im gonna be glued to Vinnie's twitter waiting on it.
  6. Yep we go to Alabama to get fireworks. The ones sold in Georgia are lame.
  7. I do think its possible George had an affair with her. But the whole Krystal Holloway thing is a distraction from what this trial is about. She is trying to bank on this trial I dont trust her. If Casey had said 3 years ago this was an accident, it would be a whole different ballgame. The fact that she only started claiming it was a drowning at the trial is what makes nobody believe it. It looks like a last minute desperate attempt to save her butt.
  8. Oh my gosh ... I have a twin on here ... LOL
  9. I think everybody still has unanswered questions. The defense really should have tied together the story they presented. If Caylee drowned, explain how she got into the woods. They just threw the drowning story out there, without backing it up what-so-ever. So the jury is just supposed to take Casey's word for it (who is a self admitted liar). As for Krystal Holloway, who cares. She is an admitted liar too. She admitted on the stand that she lied in her depo. That crazy lady needs to go away. She has nothing to do with Caylee. She is just out to get money and her 15 mins.
  10. I feel bad for George too. I had not read the suicide note before, he really misses Caylee and just wanted to go be with her. The other day when he was on the stand and broke down, that was hard to watch. The whole thing is just so awful.
  11. Well its not as bad as those people that named their kid HITLER. http://abcnews.go.com/US/parents-cannot-regain-custody-children-nazi-inspired/story?id=11334970
  12. Yeah it sucks that all the drive ins are gone. You probably know, we had a drive-in right beside the Hardy Boys. We go to Centre AL to that drive-in sometimes, it is WELL WORTH the drive!
  13. No more chain stores, period. We have plenty of that stuff. I guess if anything, I would like to see a family place built, like mini golf or something like Malibu Grand Prix. There's not much to do around Paulding that is fun. And I do NOT mean Chuck E Cheese LOL.
  14. Those are AWESOME!! I think with Cindy's work record proving that she lied about the internet searches, it becomes crystal clear that Casey did this. Why would Cindy lie if Casey did not wrong?? This is going to remove a LOT of the reasonable doubt Baez planted on the jury. I think the jury will return with a guilty verdict pretty quick. Yeah I would think so. That guy yesterday got 6 days for a rude hand gesture. I would be real nervous if I was Cindy right now.
  15. Gosh all they are talking about today is Krystal Holloway and the bird man.
  16. You can pass polygraphs when lying. There is a reason they are not submissible in court. There was a guy on GMA one time that sells manuals on how to pass a polygraph. It is very possible George could have been sleeping with this lady. But that has nothing to do with this trial. How come the defense never explained how Caylee got from the pool to the woods? How come they never questioned George about the drowning while he was on the stand? Why didnt Casey take the stand and defend herself if she is innocent? Plus the rebuttal today should prove Cindy was lying and that woul
  17. And the jury was present. The jury that has been sequestered for over a month so they wouldnt be influenced. And now a few million people saw him get chewed out. My 12 yo son said epic fail. LOL!
  18. He flipped off ashton and now he's going to jail. What an idiot.
  19. Why don't you get up there you stupid witch? Oh yeah, you would trip all over your lies. Oh well. She will be found guilty. No doubt.
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