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Posts posted by Artofbrandond

  1. I am begining to feel the same way... Regions messed up our account when they merged... so after 25 years of banking with them we went to Wachovia, the more I deal with them the less I like them...


    With cash, you dont have to worry about overspending what you actually have, or needing to get anything out of an ATM or being unsure of how much you actually have. If there are things that I want, but cant afford, I barter alot for them. I bartered a small tattoo for a guy and got a psp and like 30 games/movies, with a case and the whole deal. Banks are just a scam, and since the economy is apparently about to crash anyways, I dont have to worry about anything that might come with having my affairs tied up in bank accounts.


    but be careful, I watched the county government channel a while back and some guy was saying thats a sign of a meth dealer. <_<

  2. I am no expert here, from talking to people over the years I have come to undersand that children of divorce sometimes have abandonment issues.

    I understand that young men seem to have bigger issues with the father leaving.


    I suspect this young man feels he is undesirable and unlovable.

    It may be a core belief, by acting out he is causing you to react the way you are to him.


    In essance he is confirming his unworthiness to himself and those around him.

    Deep down he knows he is worthy of love, that he did nothing to be abandoned, and this makes him angry.


    Kids need guidance in understanding things, or they come to conclusions on their own that cause them to have feelings based on lack of experience and understanding, simply put they are too young to properly understand the complexities of adult behavior that effects them.

    On some level he may also blame his mother, and feel guilty for his feelings.


    Fathers most often show love for a family through the support and security they give.

    In essance it is a man thing.


    But this is a boy not a man, the little boy in him needs to feel worthy of love, and needs to feel truly loved.

    He probably missed out on the affection that fathers give their young sons.


    At this point you can not make this up, he is too old.


    You can not hit him either, he does not feel loved by you, and it will only increase his rage.

    What you can do is to think constantly about what is good about this kid, like a mantra, repeating it over and over to yourself.

    Think about how you might feel had you been him, and maintain as much compassion as possible.


    You can call the cops or send him away.

    Or you can do it the hard way, you can tell him he has every right to his feelings, you don't blame him for being angry,

    You can constantly tell him you care about him, you can build up his self esteem by pointing out his smallest good points.

    It is not enough that your wife does it, this is something you have to do to help this kid heal these wounds.

    Men folk don't easily reach out this way to their sons.


    You are going to have to make 1000's of emotional investments to make up for all the withdrawels another man made on this kid.


    The only thing that is truly important to this kid is feeling he is worthy of a fathers love.


    That is a tall order to fill, and I wish you a lot of luck.



    You should charge rates for these posts lol .......


    I was a sheeze when I was a that age too, I know how he feels (I think), I think LPPT's post is on point, looking back at my own situation in hindsight. My mom did all that stuff and the doctors and all that too and I hated it because I felt like it was insulting to talk to a doctor who I knew was only talking to me for a paycheck, regardless of how nice they were to me. I even got arrested a couple of times around that age. What really changed it for me was a teacher I had who actually teaches out this way now. He taught me how to play chess, and showed me that sometimes, the structure you are in can be more of a problem than the person themselves. Try doing smart things with him. Things that he knows you wouldnt do with someone who you thought was stupid. I dont know you or this kid, but I have a feeling that he's probably pretty intelligent and I think a good idea would be to shift the focus to something along those lines. Its really easy to notice the bad that people do, especially an angry teenager, but people are alot less likely to notice the postive aspects that he might have, which perpetuates his idea of "Noone gets me". Perhaps an art class, or a writing class or something? Have you ever taken him to the High? Maybe he'd enjoy that? Or a sports event, just you and him? I hope this works out for you, intelligence and questioning rather than acceptance of things are often overshadowed by the behavior and frustration that a kid that age can display.

  3. Per, some PM's I received, here's the breakdown.


    I tattoo in a shop, not a house, 18 and up only, even with parents permission. If youre interested, then PM me and help me convince my boss to get a commerce membership.


    Thanks for the compliments too :)

  4. Semantics and petty nitpicking in an effort to sidestep the issue.


    Any reasonable person can see, after reading the information, that these hijackers are engaged in terrorism...


    What is the purpose or point of parsing the nuances of various defintions ? :blink:


    I gave the most basic and generally accepted definition of the word.


    Just trying to make sure that your information is correct and accurately defined. ^_^

  5. Terrorism is also a form of unconventional warfare and psychological warfare. The word is politically and emotionally charged, and this greatly compounds the difficulty of providing a precise definition. One 1988 study by the US Army found that over 100 definitions of the word "terrorism" have been used

  6. Its saddening that things are to the point where people are hesitant to talk to eachother on the trail these days. Its one thing to be cautious, its important to be so, but to be paranoid of the people right here in your own community, not so much. I've talked to alot of people on the trail before and really enjoy the fact that different people with different interests can have a shared appreciation for the trail, and talking with others in your community is part of what makes the experience enjoyable. Hopefully people will realize that the things happening on the trail are a small minority when compared to the amount of people who are riding it and enjoying it just like you are.

  7. Military patrols on the street? In American towns?







    The 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team has spent 35 of the last 60 months in Iraq patrolling in full battle rattle, helping restore essential services and escorting supply convoys.


    Now they’re training for the same mission — with a twist — at home.


    Beginning Oct. 1 for 12 months, the 1st BCT will be under the day-to-day control of U.S. Army North, the Army service component of Northern Command, as an on-call federal response force for natural or manmade emergencies and disasters, including terrorist attacks.


    It is not the first time an active-duty unit has been tapped to help at home. In August 2005, for example, when Hurricane Katrina unleashed hell in Mississippi and Louisiana, several active-duty units were pulled from various posts and mobilized to those areas.


    But this new mission marks the first time an active unit has been given a dedicated assignment to NorthCom, a joint command established in 2002 to provide command and control for federal homeland defense efforts and coordinate defense support of civil authorities.


    After 1st BCT finishes its dwell-time mission, expectations are that another, as yet unnamed, active-duty brigade will take over and that the mission will be a permanent one.


    “Right now, the response force requirement will be an enduring mission. How the [Defense Department] chooses to source that and whether or not they continue to assign them to NorthCom, that could change in the future,” said Army Col. Louis Vogler, chief of NorthCom future operations. “Now, the plan is to assign a force every year.”


    The command is at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, Colo., but the soldiers with 1st BCT, who returned in April after 15 months in Iraq, will operate out of their home post at Fort Stewart, Ga., where they’ll be able to go to school, spend time with their families and train for their new homeland mission as well as the counterinsurgency mission in the war zones.


    Stop-loss will not be in effect, so soldiers will be able to leave the Army or move to new assignments during the mission, and the operational tempo will be variable.


    Don’t look for any extra time off, though. The at-home mission does not take the place of scheduled combat-zone deployments and will take place during the so-called dwell time a unit gets to reset and regenerate after a deployment.


    The 1st of the 3rd is still scheduled to deploy to either Iraq or Afghanistan in early 2010, which means the soldiers will have been home a minimum of 20 months by the time they ship out.


    In the meantime, they’ll learn new skills, use some of the ones they acquired in the war zone and more than likely will not be shot at while doing any of it.


    They may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control or to deal with potentially horrific scenarios such as massive poisoning and chaos in response to a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high-yield explosive, or CBRNE, attack.


    Training for homeland scenarios has already begun at Fort Stewart and includes specialty tasks such as knowing how to use the “jaws of life” to extract a person from a mangled vehicle; extra medical training for a CBRNE incident; and working with U.S. Forestry Service experts on how to go in with chainsaws and cut and clear trees to clear a road or area.


    The 1st BCT’s soldiers also will learn how to use “the first ever nonlethal package that the Army has fielded,” 1st BCT commander Col. Roger Cloutier said, referring to crowd and traffic control equipment and nonlethal weapons designed to subdue unruly or dangerous individuals without killing them.


    “It’s a new modular package of nonlethal capabilities that they’re fielding. They’ve been using pieces of it in Iraq, but this is the first time that these modules were consolidated and this package fielded, and because of this mission we’re undertaking we were the first to get it.”


    The package includes equipment to stand up a hasty road block; spike strips for slowing, stopping or controlling traffic; shields and batons; and, beanbag bullets.

  8. I will not be voting early this time. I would hate to vote for one of them and wish I had voted against them by the time election day gets here.


    The democratic and republican parties ought to be hung for not being able to field a better candidate than what they have to offer.


    You are on a roll today lol

  9. Regardless, he still has rights and he still has the right to a trial. If you are willing to take that away from him, then you would be willing to take it away in other cases as well and IMO allowing something like that to slide EVEN ONCE, will lead to absolute chaos. People go to jail all the time for things they are innocent of, I would think that people would be happy to see the court system actually TRYING to get a clean conviction for him. Its sad how people justify knee jerk reactions.

  10. I have comcast internet and cable, we have one box in the living room, but cable runs to any TV you hook up to the cable. However, you can only get On demand and that stuff on the TV's that you have the box on. I like Comcast personally, I've never had any real issues with the internet or the cable and one time, I missed a payment, called them and got like a 3 day extension on payment.

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