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Posts posted by Artofbrandond

  1. I agree with almost everything you said, except for the statement I put in bold. True, some religions include what you mention, but true Christianity is just the opposite. One thing it emphasizes is that we do have value, great value, and that debt we could never pay was paid for us by someone else. I'm not preaching or trying to shove my "religion" down anyone's throat (I put religion in quotes because I don't like to call it that. It's more of a relationship).



    I agree, and not to make this into a religous debate, but I imagine we agree that TRUE christianity isnt whats practiced.....the religious systems we have are more about social control than inner growth.....but there are good and bad everywhere I suppose......but moreso good than people are letting themselves be, I believe.


    I think sometimes people need to ask "Why not?" instead of "Why?"-


    Why is it so hard for people do just help someone else out- with no strings attached? Why do we always thingk that just because someone wants to help us that there will be strings attached?


    There are still good people in this world (from all walks of life) it's just hard to see them through the walls that we put up and the fog that surrounds us sometimes.


    ^^ My entire post simplified into a few lines lol ^^

  2. You know, I was tattooing this dude on his ribs a couple weeks ago and the whole vibe in the shop was really busy and hectic and I was just thinking about some things and we said "Its a crazy life sometimes isnt it?"....and I thought about all the people I've met and the places I've been tattooing and doing art shows and whatnot and I could only respond by laughing.....its thoughts like that that make me appreciate life a little bit more....I dont remember much of the assholes except for the ones I've given into....a while back, someone took to talking pretty harshly to me for something that I'm still a little unsure about and initially, I got pretty pissed about it, but then I realized how hard they were scraping to itch me and how little it actually did....they even resorted to taking a shot at the fact I ride a bike. Then it was all I could do not to crack a grin. They thought it was disrespectful, but I dont care. I left with my head high and I still dont hold any hard feelings......plus, I just got that scooter I've always wanted....it will be here sunday :)

  3. i do agree with the thought but i also agree that the effort to implement this into daily life is easier said than done, we should all try but probably wont.


    I agree. Most wont. But thats the whole reason I wrote this. I've been trying and I dont always succeed, but I declare that I will continue trying and I'll try harder tomorrow than I did today and so on......I think people CAN do this.....its the natural way....

  4. We live in a world where are just too many people. And a significant percentage of those people have children that they cannot really take care of. I was thinking about this while riding my bike earlier this evening and I thought this; We live in a world filled with anger....despair....paranoia...people are afraid to smile at eachother, people are more paranoid about their neighbors than they are their government, we've been turned against eachother. But Humans arent meant to live this way and no matter what, the world we live in affects us. So in this world, people seek love. Or at least a connection. A distraction, if even only temporary to take them away from feeling like we must produce and profit and prosper. People deep down want that connection. That connection of love. But since love is such a rarity these days, the world has gotten it wherever we can. People equate love with sex and sex leads to babies....There's the argument of self accountability and smart planning, but there's also the argument that in a less hateful world, people wouldnt be as desperate for it as they are. I mean, who can blame them? We go to work and sit in steel cages that constantly pump out harmful fumes right into our lungs. We get to work and no longer have a name. Our worth is determined by our production. And thats sad to me. Its been pretty rough, especially lately, but I try to break this cycle, although I almost never actually succeed. I just feel like if people were to approach eachother embracingly rather than defensively, that alone would be enough to make a significant change in the world. Prison religions nullify the concept of self worth and replace it with an eternal debt to which one can never repay. Our society teaches from the get go that money and material success equates to happiness. Why havent we broken these thought systems yet? Its a terrible place we live in and love is something rare these days. Even between family. Even between husband and wife, father and son, son and mother and so on...Why cant we love eachother. Why cant we love ourselves? I've always heard about a point in time when people did love eachother. When people enjoyed life and when people were happy. Sometimes I even wonder if it was ever really that way because it must have been way before I was born. Its easy to love someone you know, why cant we love people we dont know? Why cant we pass someone in a parking lot and smile rather than pretend like we're looking at something else? Its like every situation us as humans approach, we tend to do it in a defensive manner...."if you do that, I'll do this"......Its just gotta stop somewhere. I dont know what set this thought off for me today, but something did. And its hard. Trust me, I realize it and I'm sure everyone else can agree with it. I have an issue with somebody going on right now that makes me want to burn his house down and when I see them saturday, I think "I'm gonna cause a scene like they did", but I'm not. Because at this point at my lowest point in life, I've come to realize that gets noone anywhere.....I dunno, I digress, but before everyone decides they agree with this sentiment, take a moment to realize how easy it is to fantasize about this idea and then thing about what it would take to actually implement it into daily life. I've been trying alot lately, and I've failed for the most part, but I make a promise not only to Pcom, but to myself and to the world, not to SUCCEED, but to make an actual concious effort to try. To take a moment. To give the benefit of the doubt. Because there's too many people in the world and if people loved themselves just a little bit more and werent made to feel guilty or akward about hugging a stranger, then people would be less concerned with finding love. For they would already have it. I hope someone else reads this and decides to make a try. We could all be doing better at this, regardless of where we are in our path. Because before we are democrats or republicans, black or white, Christian or Muslim, Man or Woman or even American, we are humans.....and thats the connection I think we're all seeking.....




  5. Ever since I've started using magic jack, I havent been able to get any audio in my browser (firefox) ... I tried using IE, but the same thing happens. I get audio just fine on mp3's, games and things that arent using the browser, but my surfing is silent these days....I'm convinced that its something simple, like a setting I need to fix or something like that....is there anything that someone here might know that could fix this problem that I might not be thinking of? I'm sure that this doesnt happen to every magic jack user.....

  6. I don't think I'm that drunk...yet. :ninja:

    And, I've got Good Will Hunting as the background--not the worst movie...not exactly Dogma...


    I keep thinking I should just put in a dvd, but I know that I'll wake up at some ungodly hour to the main menu repeating itself......I wish this pizza would hurry the hell up and get here..

  7. Dont be so paranoid. If the American people wont start riots over their rights being taken away, they wont start em over anything. My bigger hope is that if people decide to get violent, they'll point it in the direction of our government officials where it belongs.

  8. If anyone knows of anyone giving away a matress set thats in good condition, pleeeeeaaaase kindly point me in their direction. I have only an empty bedroom now, I'd like to move back into it soon......I can wait a bit, the couch is pretty soft, but sleeping in the living room surely has its disadvantages.....a dresser would be cool too, right now, I just use my entertainment center lol





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