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Posts posted by Artofbrandond

  1. for lack of a more clever title....



    Tiffany and I went out for sushi this evening, she picked me up from work, we went out, talked a bit, cut up a little, had AWESOME sushi, we were even the only people in there. It couldnt have gone better if I had planned it. The whole evening was great and everything went smoothly. The past few days have been rough, between the seizure and the effect its had on my way of thinking to everything else going on and how it relates to eachother, its made for a pretty miserable past few days. But I'm glad that tonight went as good as it did. I havent been as happy as I am right now in quite some time. It was simply, The night that went awesome from beginning to end. :)


    I'm a happy fella tonight, Pcom

  2. Thanks for the words, I'm gonna see her tonight, hopefully that will go good, but I'm preparing myself for a month of solitude. If she needs time to center herself, then I figure I'll do what I can do accomodate for that and either she'll come back in a month or less, or I'll finally be able to get one of my friends to move in lol I cant see any 100% bad regardless of how this all turns out, as shallow as that may sound.


  3. It might help to know what you've done. :pardon:


    Nothing specific. Just a culmination of things built up over time. I thought about having a big house party, as the house is well big enough for a pretty good one, but I figure that wouldnt help my case lol. I just have an issue with expressing my dislike of things she might do without coming across as belittling to her. I'm even wearing this gay ass shirt she likes on Sunday when we take the kids out. I've worn it like once in like 2 years that I've owned it. The house isnt trashed or anything tho and I even moved a couch from the basement into the living room last night and hung up all my paintings on the newly empty walls....

  4. call her something other than "the woman" it might warm her heart a lil bit.


    yeah I know.....We're gonna go out sunday and take the kids to Pirates Cove or somethin. Its not like she is opposed to coming back. Its just waiting and having to sit here by myself all the time in the meantime. I just call her "The woman" on here. In person its "Wife" lol



    BTW if any of our females here have any ideas that might help my case, I'd absolutely love the advice

  5. Well actually the house. But its here and she's not. 3 bedrooms, now I gotz no bed. I threw it away when we moved in together. I know I'm not an easy dude to be with. Perhaps some time by myself will do me some good. Perhaps it will drive me to drink. Who knows. I know what needs to be done. I just hope that I can keep a clear head to do it. I cant say I havent brought this upon myself. I woke up on the couch in the middle of the night and got up to go to bed, only there was just an empty room. I dont think I've ever felt so low.



    and I just ashed in my iced tea.


    I wish I could say its just because she's crazy. But she's not. She dealt with sheeze I would have never dealt with. I guess it has to come back to me eventually. I guess the only thing I can do is go to work and come home. Luckily my boss gives me rides. Yesterday was absolutely the worst day of my life and I've done time. Its all over arguments that she was right about from the get go, I'm just an idiot and I never listen. Only one of two things can happen though. Things will work out, or I get a roomate I guess. I'll know for sure within a month or so I figure.I dont even wanna go to work today. I didnt go yesterday.

  6. Commission. There are a couple of tattoo shops around that charge a booth rental fee and they often find themselves with high turnover rates in slow times. I'd just hire qualified stylists, make sure you know how to run a salon, make sure they do, take your percentage and try to keep everyone happy :)

  7. :huh: Hope you don't mind as I am more ancient then 45 but still like the music, even so I am more into Industrial and Hard Core Rock. Something to get me back onto planet earth :lol: .Haven't heard from Alan Parsons Project for a long time, but I guess right now everything old is getting new again B)


    Man, I am loving this band somethin fierce lol ..... I have trouble finding good sciencey/spacey kind of stuff. Especially good stuff like that lol. Are their albums pretty accessible in the stores? I dunno how popular they were then...


    I've heard this one before I think. Is it an older song? 80's?


    that song is 82 but I think there debut was 75 or close

  8. I went outside to have my first smoke of the day and watch the HUGE flock of birds flying overhead, I went to walk back towards the door and dropped my lighter, stopped and stepped back a bit to pick it up and bird poop hit the deck right where I was standing half a second before. Good start to the day :) I hope such fortune falls upon you all today

  9. I don't have a problem with eating meat:


    Genesis 9:1-3 says: "Then God blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth. The fear and dread of you will fall upon all of the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air, upon every creature that moves along the ground, and upon all the fish of the sea; they are given into your hands. Everything that lives and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, now I give you everything."


    Do you apply that to Marijuana?

  10. My problem with Democrats is the government gets bigger and bigger with each Democratic controlled Congress/House/Senate/President and that our President has become a figurehead more than a true leader.


    Thats the problem right there. Republicans blaming democrats and vice versa. I am appalled that in this day and age, people still are doing it. From the left, you have socialized medicine and the like. From the right, you have big brother eye watching over you and taking your freedom in small amounts for the sake of "security". For a group of people who are so anti-socialist, I find it ironic how many are so supportive of a socialist national security scheme. I for one dont like the idea of the government invading my personal life, listening to my phone conversations, sifting through americans' e-mails and all that other garbage. Both sides are equally as bad and equally at fault for whats going on. As long as people continue to play this game with them, they'll play games with us.

  11. My first thought was there is no way!!! He is too soft spoken, IRL. Then I saw the video and laughed! I cannot believe how much you actually favor that Brandon!! :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Yeah, I sent him a friends request on myspace. Maybe I can make a cameo with some video chicks lol

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