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Posts posted by Artofbrandond

  1. Maybe I'm missing something, you're this upset because he called your son a "wuss"?


    I think one of the great things about close friends is that you're close enough to tell the other when they do something that bothers you or when if they do something and need a kick in the pants. Personally, if you're just upset because he called your son is a wuss, I don't think that merits a pummeling - it sounds more like the guy just opened his mouth when he shouldn't have -- something we're all guity of from time to time.


    Going back to my corner now.... :)




    I disagree. Sometimes you need your friends to tell you when your kid is being a pain in the arse or is snowing you because some parents just don't see it. This friend obviously lacks some social skills, but it doesn't sound like it was horrible enough to end a friendship over.


    Its more the fact that he only says that because his son hit mine, but then he remains silent when my kid knocked his out after I informed him he wouldnt get in trouble for doing so. This kid is a monster. The most destructive, mis-behaving little runt that i've ever come across. The kind of kid that makes you wanna hit him like he's a grown man. I mean, called his mom a bitch in the store, smacked her once right in front me, I smacked him across that back of his head and I punished him. Thats the only time he ever gets disciplined. The biggest issue with me is that he lets that little sheeze get away with murder, come over here and eat all my food, ask me to watch him and not come get him til 4am and things like that. Its more of a culmination of things that I've sat on for a while now and this one was just the last straw. I gotta say, I've spent the afternoon trying to really ponder it. If it was just me and him if wouldnt be as much of an issue, but the fact that our families are friends is going to make me look like I'm the asshole when I feel like I'm 100% right about it. I dont want to ruin everyone elses friendships, but I just dont feel like I can let it slide this time. I remember him telling me when we first met that they would meet people and then they would suddenly start being assholes to them. Now I think I'm starting to see why.

  2. a straight ass whippin. I have a friend who is a pretty good friend in the sense that we agree on alot of issues, we like the same stuff etc.... but he's really pushing it lately and his wife accidentally let something he said about my son slip. His son is honest to god the worst acting kid that I have ever seen in my life and everyone but him and his wife agree with me....he hit my son a few times who has quite a bit of size on thes scrawny little TRUCK, and gets away with it.....now my friend calls my kid a wuss.....he doesnt seem to think that way when my son finds out he wont get in trouble for hitting back and nearly knocks this little sheeze unconcious. He just wants to cross that line. Unfortunately, my son for some reason likes playing with this monster and his wife is friends with the woman, they've even helped us out on quite a few occassions and vice versa, but this guy is reeeeaaaaallly asking for it. I'm not the "use my fists" type at all, I hate that, but the fact I'm here posting this is a pretty good indicator to how close it is to happening. I dunno.....I'm pretty set that I'm just gonna wait for him to say another thing of that nature at which time I'll pummel him right in front of his wife and kids so they can see what happens in the real world when you act that way, but what would you do? Similar experiences?

  3. My phone is off til next week, I'd appreciate it if anyone who has a contact with the Animal Shelter send them my e-mail address with the following decriptions



    2 females, one LARGE brown and white Saint Benard, another smaller, lab looking black one, extremely friendly and playful, they have matching collars, but no tags



    I know someone has to be missing these dogs....

  4. These 2 dogs just came into my yard, i'm sure theyre owned by someone, one is a HUUUUUGE Saint Bernard White and Brown and the other is a medium sized black dog, niether have tags, but both are EXTREMELY friendly, I coaxed the larger one into the fenced in backyard, but the other one is just standing on the other side of the fence.....I know someone has to be missing these dogs, the big one is the biggest baby I have ever seen!

  5. How the He... can our great county still raise taxes on homes when the values are going down about 7% and sales are down. And the job market is down.


    Our great county can only think of raising our taxes more.


    When will some of you listen up and vote some of the board out?


    These people just love to raise taxes and spend.

    (we are almost at the limit they can raise taxes to you know that?)


    This is freaking crazy...


    Time to vote the Incumbents out this year.


    Those that voted to leave them in last time... I hope your taxes when up over $500 like mine just did.

    (In a recession at that.. what freaking moron would do that?)


    Love this county, Crazy uncontrolled growth. Bad traffic and now bad taxes.


    We have some pretty dang bad elected officials.


    It is




    I bet the shool teachers get a 5% or 6% raise this year. I know I didn't get squat..


    This might be the only good part.

  6. I hear that musicians and even artists sometimes commit suiside also. Show some verifiable numbers from an independent, reliable source. It's not a shock to me that people in stressful situations might react this way.


    I agree 100% Suicide is a problem both here and there that needs to be talked about and discussed without slanderous name calling and attacks.



    However, as history has shown, the greatest artists are the ones who commit suicide :unsure: weird.

  7. Press TV is the official news agency of the Iranian government. ;)


    well, for the sake of argument, how does that matter here? The point was "What the MSM doesnt talk about and should." Being such a troop supporter like you claim, I would have assumed you'd agree instead of smearing.


    That's what I was researching.


    Hey, send the link to ABC, NBC and CBS. If there is any truth in it, you can bet your last dollar THEY will put it on the evening news TONIGHT.


    I was actually looking at that, but you gotta register with them before you can do something like that from what I'm gathering...

  8. What the mainstream media doesnt talk about and should......






    Sixteen US troops from the 57th Unit of the Airborne Division have committed suicide inside a military base in Iraq, security sources say.


    Iraqi security sources have revealed that 21 US troops had committed suicide inside a former Iraqi air force base 27 days ago, Fars News Agency reported on Monday.


    According to the sources, the 21 troops were treated in a hospital but only five soldiers have survived and they are in a critical condition. Security officials said they used potent narcotics to kill themselves.


    The troops' motivations for suicide are not known but according to Iraqi sources the servicemen belonged to the 57th Unit of the US Airborne Division that was behind the massacre of several Iraqi families-- mostly women and children-- in northern Baghdad, said Ali al-Baghdadi an Iraqi security official.


    The suicides took place in the soldiers' dormitory after the dinner time.

    "The bodies of the US troops became misshapen such a way that they looked like 5000-year mummies," said a witness.

  9. :rolleyes: Fine. But I am not wearing a Burka. I am not going stay in the house either, Bucko. I'll drink, and if if I take a mind to smoke, I'll do that, too. So there. :glare:


    until the gov't tells you you cant. Then you'll be the one with a tin foil hat ;)



  10. Just to be fair and an honest person, I have to confess. While I don't think they should all be on a watch list, if they were I would not feel any pain. :pardon:


    I believe there's a well known quote that says something along those lines...


    When the Nazis came for the communists,

    I remained silent;

    I was not a communist.


    When they locked up the social democrats,

    I remained silent;

    I was not a social democrat.


    When they came for the trade unionists,

    I did not speak out;

    I was not a trade unionist.


    When they came for the Jews,

    I remained silent;

    I wasn't a Jew.


    When they came for me,

    there was no one left to speak out


    Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984)



  11. So when McCain and Obama try to exploit this, I hope someone asks them; Will this create a problem correlating 9/11 to Iran?





    DUBAI (AFP) — Al-Qaeda number two Ayman al-Zawahiri has launched a vitriolic attack on Iran, accusing it in a video message broadcast by Al-Jazeera on Monday of collaborating with Washington in Afghanistan and Iraq.


    The Qatar-based satellite television station said the video, more than an hour and a half long, was entitled "Seven Years of Crusades," and was made to mark the seventh anniversary of the September 11 attacks on the United States.


    Several others said to be Al-Qaeda leaders also featured in the video.


    "The leadership in Tehran is collaborating with the Americans in their occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan," Zawahiri said in the extract broadcast by the channel.


    "It recognises the subservient (to Washington) governments of these two countries, while at the same time pledging death and destruction to any state which dares touch Iranian soil," added the Egyptian deputy to Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.


    Neither Washington nor Israel has ruled out a military strike against Iran because of its nuclear ambitions, which the West fears may be weapons-related rather than peaceful.


    Zawahiri cited an example of what he called collusion between Shiite religious leaders and the Americans.


    "There was been no fatwa (religious edict) from Iran or Iraq calling for jihad in Iraq or Afghanistan," while there have been many issued on Lebanon and the Palestinians.


    "Has waging jihad become acceptable in Lebanon and in Palestine but not in Iraq and Afghanistan?" Zawahiri asked in the broadcast.


    He also slammed the Shiite Hezbollah opposition in Lebanon, as well as taking a swipe at the country's Sunni Muslim leadership.


    "What victory is Hezbollah talking about?" he asked of the 2006 summer war with Israel, saying that the group had lost control of south Lebanon and allowed "thousands of crusaders" -- a reference to UN peacekeepers -- in there instead.


    He dismissed the country's Sunni leaders in Beirut as "agents" of the United States.


    Abu Yazid al-Masri, presented in the video as the Al-Qaeda number three, hailed the resignation in Pakistan of former president Pervez Musharraf.


    "Thanks be to God for humiliating Musharraf for betraying the Islamic emirate in Afghanistan," said the militant whom unconfirmed reports had said was killed in Afghanistan last month.

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