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Posts posted by 2009HOG

  1. Good Morning p.com..who is here...tonight???



    Hey Marc.Was out in your area Saturday around noon.


    It's Tuesday Nightowls NOT, Wednesday!!



    Yeah Marc, That would get in thrown out in court!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p :p :p :p

  2. :clapping:

    It's Halloween. I have 2 young kids and you just tell them that people dress up as monsters & scary things and that it isn't real. You can't expect everyone else to think about what affects your kids - they are not THEIR kids. Some people don't have any kids and wouldn't even know what to worry about. If I was that worried about what my kids saw, I wouldn't take them out on Halloween. Sure, for kids it is dress up and trick or treat. However, adults are entitled to fun too and explaining a bloody Santa isn't any harder (IMO) than explaining why Snow White's boobs are hanging out (you know the other type of FUN adult costume that should be saved for adult parties). Halloween brings it all out!



    :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

    Talk to your childern and explain things to them before it happens.I tell my grandchildren they will see things that are scarey but NOT REAL.

  3. kewl... hey there vinny...Hows it going????



    Searching for a missing truck.It's not one of mine but brings in freight fom NC for my guys to run out. It is suppose to be here at midnight and has yet to show.I have 4 guys sitting around on the clock waiting for it. :angry2: :angry2:

  4. My driving record is too f'ed up for that (all that racing n' stuff a while back.) Besides, I doubt I would want to do it all the time... Just would like to get out a bit and take a break from the monotony around here...


    Well damn, just finished my Vodka... Time to break out what's left of the wine... :p



    Getting your CDL is not as easy as it was years ago. Very strict on your driving record. Plus Companys won't hire you unless you have at least 3 years driving and can prove it. Has to do with insurance companys.If you go to a driving school they have companys that will hire you right out of the school.Then you have the random drug tests that the state sends out. I have had some drivers hit 3 times in a row.

  5. Hell, that'd be an adventure I think. :lol: :lol:



    Then you should look into getting your class A and driving a tractor trailer. Travel the Country and see all kinds of different places. Don't go the owner operator route, it was a good deal years ago but with the cost of everything now most people are losing their shirts. I have many former owner/operators that now work here because they could not make ends meet.

  6. You shoulda asked if it could take me along with it... I need a nice vacation and Miami sounds nice... :p





    Send 2 trucks that way 5 days a week. They can drop you off anywhere on the east coast of Florida and then pick you up and bring you back when you've had enough fun. B) B) B) B) B)

  7. I'm so happy for you. What do you use to keep your beard out of tour eyes grandpa? Do you have one of those shirts that says "If you can read this, the bitch fell off"? Oh yeah, Loud pipes don't save lives. I can't hear them when you are behind me.



    Sorry to inform you but degrading women is not my thing.No beard either.No loud pipes.Care to try again? :clapping:

  8. I was waiting for that, the ya was to get a responce. Thanks for taking the bait. ;)


    Do you have a 2006 Harley or did you eat 2006 hogs to get in the shape you are in?



    Hey, that was a good one.Did you just get out of the 3rd grade?The 2006 Harley is gone and has been replaced with a 2009.

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