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Posts posted by 2009HOG

  1. :p


    I still can't believe that dumbass shot himself in the leg... I mean how dense do you get? :lol: :lol:



    Some people are to dumb to own a firearm. They give the rest of us a bad name, just like with many other things.


    Just an FYI, you won't see me on-line next week. I have a work project that will have me in trucks all next week looking at changing the way we do things to help a customer cut costs.

  2. Morning guys...


    Anyone wanna go to work for me tomorrow? I think I am getting some nasty stuff, I don't want to be THAT gun salesman that barfs all over the customers... :lol: :lol:



    That would make me want to shoot you in the arse.................... :p :p :p The leg was done already :lol: :lol: :lol:

  3. :lol: :lol: :lol:


    I am glad I have tomorrow off... Very glad.... Not much to do but sit at home, but still, better than working. B)



    Come into work at 2300 due to a Thursday morning meeting that will last until around noon.BAck in Thursday night at 2300 and then off at 0530 Friday and not back until 1900 Monday.

  4. Hung Chow calls into work and says "Hey boss, I no come to work today.I really sick.I got headache,stomachache,and my legs hurt.I no come to work."


    The boss says, " You know Hung Chow, I really need you today.When I feel like this, I go to my wife and tell her to give me sex.That makes everything better and I go to work.You try that.


    Two hours later Hung Chow calls again. "Boss I do what you say and I feel great.I will be at work soon..............................

    You got nice house"

  5. Who gave you the name 2006 Hog? MY wife gave me the name Weatherboy . Guess she just pulled it out of the air.



    Gave it to myself. Did own a 2006 Harley. Need to change it as the 2009 came in about 2 months ago.

  6. Hog I bet your in-laws love you to death. :lol: :lol: :lol:



    Yes they do :p :p :p .They always come to our house. Good times and great food.Sad to say I never met my Father-in-law as he passed before I met his daughter.My wifes family treats me better than my own family ever has.May seem like a horrible thing to say, but the truth sometimes hurts.Don't get me wrong I still love my family, but somehow they seem to ruin the holidays.

  7. Just working on some things on our site. Couldn't sleep...decided to be productive...LOL


    That's cool about your bike!

    You should post a picture for us. :)


    Have fun on your trip!

    I understand about the loading and dragging equipment part. Although....it sure is a great time to ride up there. I know it's cold at night but it would be perfect during the day.



    Next week I will have to get with you as I still need a chair for my office.

  8. :lol:


    How are you? "Long time...no see."


    Have y'all been riding much?


    We are going to try to get out tomorrow (today) sometime if it doesn't rain.



    Ride everyday. My 2009 came in about 2 months ago and I love it.What are you doing up? I'm at work so I have a good excuse.Me and Lisa are heading to Cherokee NC to trout fish for the weekend.Sadly I am leaving the bike at home,just don't feel like loading and dragging the trailer up there. Plus the night temperatures are suppose to be like in the low 30's.Lisa is going to pick me up at work around 0530 and then were off.......

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