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Posts posted by 2009HOG

  1. Cobb County is having a festival of trees this weekend at the civic center at Fairground and 120. My company is one of the sponsors and we will have a 2009 peterbuilt straight truck parked out front decorated with lights.Not sure how it will compare to the one from downtown as I never went to it.

  2. Delete the e-mail and forget about it.Sounds like shes laying the groundwork to have a place to live while she gets her life in order. She has always known how she treated you and is now willing to admit it because it works in her favor. SHE SOUNDS LIKE A USER.......

    Don't open a door that you have closed.

  3. So...say a boss of someone in an office setting told this person that they were not to have any conversations with their coworkers unless it was strictly work related. Are they aloud to say what you are or are not aloud to talk about when it comes to every day conversations??



    I have had to do this many times.Some people bring up topics at work that are disruptive or just plain offensive.This type of action is a last resort after the employee has been talked to regarding the situation.One employee with a bad attitude can bring down the morale of everyone, Is that fair to the business or your co-workers?

  4. WASHINGTON DC- Congress is considering sweeping legisation which will provide new benifets for many Americans.The Americans With No Abilities Act(AWNAA) is being hailed as a major legislative goal by advocates of the millions of Americans who lack any real skills or ambition.


    "Roughly 50 percent of Americans do not possess the competence and drive necessary to carve out a meaningful role for themselves in society," said California Senator Barbara Boxer."We can no longer stand by and allow people of inability to be ridiculed and passed over.With this legislation, employers will no longer be able to grant special favors to a small group of workers, simply because they have some idea of what they are doing".


    In a Capitol Hill press conference, House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid pointed to the success of the U.S. Postal Service, which has a long-standing policy of providing opportunity without regard to performance.Approximatley 74 percent of postal employees lack any job skills, making this agency the single largest U.S. employer of persons of inability. ... At the state goverment level, the Department of Motor Vehicles also has a great record of hiring Persons of inability (63%)


    Under the Americans With No Abilitys Act, more than 25 million "middle man" positions will be created, with important-sounding titles but little real responsibilty, thus providing an illusory sense of purpose and performance.


    Mandatory non-performance-based raises and promotions will be given,to gaurantee upward mobilty for even the most unremarkable employees.The legislation provides substantial tax breaks to corporations that promote a significant number of Persons of inability into middle-managment positions, and gives a tax credit to small and medium sized businesses that agree to hire one clueless worker for every two talented hires.


    Finally, the AWNA Act contains tough new measures to make it more difficult to discriminate against the Non-abled- banning,for example, discriminatory interview questions such as "Do you have any skills or experience which relate to this job?"


    "As a Non-abled person, I can't be expected to keep up with the people who have something going for them," said Mary Lou Gertz, who lost her position as a lug-nut twister at the GM plant in Flint, Michigan, due to her lack of any discernible job skills. "This new law should really help people like me".With the passage of this bill, Gertz and millions of other untalented citizens will finally see a light at the end of the tunnel.


    Said Ted Kennedy: "As a Senator with no abilitysI believethe same privileges that elected officals enjoy ought to be extended to every American with no abilities.It is our duty as lawmakers to provide each and every American citizen. regardless of his or her adequacy, with some sort of space to take up in this great nation."

  5. She must cook like me :) It's off!!! My house is still full of smoke



    I'm glad you have it under control. OPen the windows and doors and put a fan close to one and get the smoke out

  6. So, after doing a 1000 mile roundtrip from my home to my moms in Florida. Then doing a near 1000 mile drive to here (NY) with my mom all the from Florida. She decides she doesn't want to drive back to her home in a rental or fly either.


    She thinks I should drive her back to her home in Florida, a day after we leave from here. :rolleyes: :nea: :blink:



    Let her "Go Greyhound".................

  7. hey vinny....glad your been missing chatting with you....working for the next two



    I'll be on tonight.Tuesday night and till about 1900 on Wednesday night. Then I am off till next Monday night.I have to go to an awards breakfast Monday morning for Cobb County.It seems the Marietta Police and the Special Olympics put me in for a community award.

  8. Very true...

    I have been around firearms my whole life. Been shooting since I was 2, and now that I live alone I usually have one within reach regardless of where I am... I just don't get how people can be so reckless with them. It's like they don't realize how deadly they can be, a very valuable thing to have around, but deadly nonetheless.



    I grew up on Cape Cod in Massachusetts and have been around guns all my life also.I used to have a bumper sticker on my car that said " Ted Kennedys car has killed more people than my gun". Now I have one on my truck that says "Gun control means using both hands"

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