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Status Updates posted by **Bren**

  1. *~Merry Christmas~*

  2. *~Merry Christmas~*

  3. *~Merry Christmas~*

  4. bumped your stars also

  5. bumped your stars!!

  6. dropping in to bump those Stars*****

  7. gave you a bump*****

  8. Giving you a Raider bump.

  9. Grannydude, glad you're here!!!

  10. hijacker is a person who "hijacks" your thread and get off topic. You were "jacked" lol!! It happens alot, sometimes in a fun way. Everyone does it, some people can be jerks. You just have to look past them, sometimes throw it back in there face.

  11. how did you get 5 *****?? Some bonehead knocked mine down!

  12. I bumped you:o}

  13. I bumped your stars!!

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