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Posts posted by joeherren

  1. And I think the first thing I should do is offer a heartfelt apology.


    It is true that I called out an individual as a PBL (pantywaste bedwettin' liberal).


    From now on out, I will consider all PBL's as PBL's.


    I will from here on out however not say...."SO AND SO IS A PBL".




    Don't let the right wing extremists put you down.


    And, if you are a PBL....for cryin' loud....BE PROUD OF IT.

  2. And you are also assuming 100% of the voters cast their ballot stictly along partisan lines, and that my friend is far from true. More than half the voters in this country vote for a candidate regardless of party, although I am afraid you Republican neo-facists are going to be in for one hell of a shock come November.


    Unless the democrats beat themselves up badly in the primary, whomever the democratic candidate is will win in November because your NON-Republican administration currently raping this country financially are going to get tossed out of office across the nation.


    Average Joe asks himself one primary question when casting his ballot...."Am if better off or worse off financially than I was 4 years ago ?". And resoundingly, most today will have to answer HELL NO, and they will cast their ballot for the other guys as a NO vote for the incumbants.


    You can spew your neoconservative phlem as much as you want, but that ain't going to change what has happened over the past 7 years. Our children's grandchildren will be trying to pay off the debt Bush, Cheney & Company have saddled us with while enriching themselves and their supporters.


    And the times they are a-changing.

    Like I've said numerous times, THE REPUBLICANS DESERVE TO LOSE





  3. I think we all knew that, Joe. And how do you REALISTICLY think there is some way to stop USA from becoming socialist? Other than by whining about gays on PCOM, I mean.

    I don't know moose, I guess we should just give up an elect Hitlery Rotten Clinton.


    They need to elect someone with the nerve to cut the size of Govt. in half...if not more...there'd be too much whining though.


    The liberals would pitch a hissy fit the likes of which you've never seen.

  4. Again, you are missing the point.


    A county can be one by 1 vote. Hell, a state for that matter. I think that fact stared us all in the face in 2000. Have you forgotten Florida?


    Keeping that in mind, it becomes clear why it is important to remember that while one party wins in a particular area there are still folks of the opposing parties voting. For instance, if 10k folks vote for candidate A and 10k + 1 folks vote for B, B wins. If you decide to make that county candidate B's color, that is legitimate. However, if you are attempting to show patterns of the entire voting process--it requires you to incorporate both sides--exactly what blending the two sides does. Otherwise, it can be used to present skewed, faceless, hollow, and otherwise laughable arguments. That is exactly what you have done. The way you are using the maps to present your argument makes it seem like nobody at ALL voted for Gore in the 'red' regions. Further, it makes the appearance that nobody voted for Bush in the areas you are wanting to bloviate about with mock authority.



    You do realize the original post was from an article not by me ????


    I guess the followin posts were my bloviating :lol: :lol: :lol: :p :p :p



  5. Bush won 80% of the land, making everything purple is not a good way of doing it either.


    Gore only won in the densely populated areas and I mean "DENSE"



  6. So all the states that are Red live off the governemnt?


    I think this guy sways things to his point of view... Just a bit.


    We need to clean up government and the ear marks and perks..... Who signs off on this all.... Hummm


    Deleted other comments to keep topic on the subject.

    If you saw a map of the counties won by Gore and Bush you would see the huge discrepancy even better, Gore only won in small areas crammed with people like rats or Demorats.




    This is the most interesting thing I've read in a long time. The sad thing about it, you can see it coming. I have always heard about this democracy countdown. It is interesting and concerning to see it in print. God help us, not that we deserve it.



    How Long Do We Have?



    About the time our original thirteen states adopted their new constitution in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh , had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years earlier:



    'A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government.'



    'A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury.'



    'From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.'



    'The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years'



    'During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the following sequence:



    1. From bondage to spiritual faith;



    2. From spiritual faith to great courage;



    3. From courage to liberty;



    4. From liberty to abundance;



    5. From abundance to complacency;



    6. From complacency to apathy;



    7. From apathy to dependence;



    8. From dependence back into bondage'




    Professor Joseph Olson of Hemline University School of Law, St. Paul , Minnesota , points out some interesting facts concerning the 2000 Presidential election:



    Number of States won by:

    Gore: 19

    Bush: 29



    Square miles of land won by:

    Gore: 580,000

    Bush: 2,427,000



    Population of counties won by:

    Gore: 127 million

    Bush: 143 million



    Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by:

    Gore: 13.2

    Bush: 2.1



    Professor Olson adds: 'In aggregate, the map of the territory Bush won was mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of this great country.


    Gore's territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in government-owned tenements and living off various forms of government welfare...' Olson believes the United States is now somewhere between the 'complacency and apathy' phase of Professor Tyler's definition of democracy, with some forty percent of the nation's population already having reached the 'governmental dependency' phase.



    If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million criminal invaders called illegal and they vote, then we can say goodbye to the USA in fewer than five years.






  8. Well, I'm a conservative and if I think the Republicans blow lately you can be pretty sure a lot of people think they blow chunks too.


    The bottom line unfortunately is that the Republicans deserve to lose the next election.


    Make no mistake Americans aren't enthralled with liberals but if liberals can't win now they can never win. If Republicans are gonna

    act and spend like liberals the American people will choose a real one and then the CAPITAL YOU NEED IN A CAPITALISTIC SOCIETY

    is gonna be confiscated by Socialists like Hitlery.


    Class warfare is a argument perfectly suited for public educated Americans and since there seems to be no more conservatives anyway.

    might as well elect a PBL from the depths of hell.


    We can always hope for Americans deep hatred for liberalism, but like I said, if anyone desrves to lose, it's these Republicans in power

    now....but no matter who wins....




  9. The economic cycle was pushed into a downturn. It's no coincidence that we're headed straight toward, or in the throws of, a deep recession. Ya wanna know who to blame? The GOP. The "conservatives". The "fiscally responsible" party.


    Bush and the GOP controlled congress sat idly by as the housing market was funded by the most ridiculously risky credit this nation has ever seen. Funny considering the internet balloon that they had just seen burst a few years earlier, they allow the real estate balloon to blow up just as big KNOWING full good and well that it was false money, a large portion of that balloon was full of crap debt that would never be paid.


    Bush and GOP controlled congress pushed through a fantastic tax cut. I loved it, personally. That's why we elect republicans, right? To cut taxes? But the other thing that we, or atleast I, vote for republicans to do is cut spending. Bush has far outspent ANY president in history. And it's not just the war, his discretionary spending far outweighed all other administrations as a percentage of GDP. He and most every other republican cut income while spending at a record breaking rate.


    Think about it. Say you currently budget $5k of income per month and everything is paid with even a bit of surplus in savings (Clinton era). You think you're in good financial shape so you finally take the plunge and quit your job in downtown Atlanta and decide to take a 30% paycut to work closer to home. So suddenly your $5k income becomes $3500 per month. You find yourself getting behind in your bills. So instead of cutting your expenditures, you go out and buy 2 new vehicles, a vacation home (domestic spending...government subsidies for the good ole boy network), and remodel your neighbor's home (Iraq). And, of course, you didn't have cash to do any of this so used home equity loans and credit cards and convinced yourself that you could afford it because there were available balances in those accounts to use (real estate bubble). Now here it is, 2008. The creditors are coming for their money and you don't have it. Your word is quickly becoming worthless (US dollar) and you can no longer get credit. The things you bought with that credit are quickly being swallowed by the creditors as they repossess their property (foreign bank bailouts). You end up homeless (fall of US as dollar collapses).


    So for all of you "conservatives" out there who curse and rant and rave at democrats for spending money on domestic welfare programs...here's my question to you: Would you rather see us go broke as a nation funding domestic welfare programs or would you prefer to see us go broke as a result of nation building overseas? Me, if I had to choose, would rather see that money spent here. The funny thing is that those welfare dollars are pumped back into the domestic economy. A VERY wide range of corporations and small businesses profit from the use of government assistance when the recipients of welfare benefits spend those dollars. Who profits from billions spent on bombs dropped overseas? Who profits from billions spent on building a school in the middle of the Iraqi desert? Two, maybe three, US companies? Give me a welfare state any day over that b.s.


    Or you could be like me and just insist that taxes remain low and not a dollar of the federal budget is spent unless it is accounted for by a dollar of income.




    I was talking about common sense economics, I've said before Bush spends money like a drunken Democrat.


    Conservative policies aren't the problem, it's politicians who sell themselves as conservatives and govern like



    Unfortunately, there's a good chance we're gonna elect a liberal because noone I see in sight is acting like a

    conservative anyway so you might as well go full throttle and elect a PBL from the depths of hell.


    I do know one thing, liberals governing because conservatives deserve to lose is not what this country needs, but

    it may well be what we get.

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