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Posts posted by joeherren

  1. When you get to 5,000 post I will gladly surrender it to you. :lol:

    Well, hopefully, I won't get banned for ...."calling you out"...about your avatar.


    Hey mods.....I didn't call her a PBL......gotta watch out for the Riechstag...lol....or however you pronounce it :p :p :p :p

  2. "You can't put cool whip on a pile of crap and call it shortcake"


    "Nothing makes people recoil in horror more than the truth"


    "She aint pretty and He aint either, they settled right in together"


    "She aint all bad, and she aint all good either"


    "That man is being led by his dumb body part, and his smart body part is pretty dumb"



  3. Renting is usually the first choice. You'll start to see rental prices go up as the demand rises. It's a great time to own rental properties.

    One interesting and sad point that I just read about is that so many pet owners are having to give up their pets since they are both financially strapped and homeless.

    GIVE UP THE PETS?????????????????????....................





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