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Posts posted by joeherren

  1. I quit smoking 3 times, first 2 times about 6 to 9 months and went back.


    I quit for good the last time about 6 years ago with a bible verse....that was the only thing that worked for me.


    When I quit the first two times I had dreams about smoking.


    When I quit with bible verse....I had no dreams.....very very weird.

  2. Find yourself a good lady and eat all you want :ph34r: :p


    I remember being in the Army and being weighed.....I weighed 149lbs....I quit smoking and quickly became a 175 lbs.


    I went back to smoking...quit years later and went from 175 lbs to 200 lbs.

  3. Oh i could so eat the south end out of a north bound polar bear. I hope the fruit and veggie snacks help with the weight thing.


    I did find a half smoked Cigarette in my ash tray outside yesterday... :lol:

    If you make it two weeks or so be prepared to have a "fit" at some point.....be ready for it and you'll be over the hump.


    Just don't have an embarrassing fit like I did.

  4. I will no longer call fat people fat.


    I will no longer say "this house smells like a dog"...rather...."OOOOh, I love that homey, lived in smell"


    If anyone is hurt by the truth, I will lie like a rug.


    I will no longer say...."You don't sweat much for a fat girl"


    I will no longer call Wal Mart patrons....."humans grazing"


    I will not use the term PBL (Pantywaste bedwetting liberal)...that might offend PBL's.


    Hillary will not be called Hitlery Rotten Clinton...the new term is "savior"


    I will not make reference to fat people.....fat people may be reading PCOM and be offended.


    I will not make reference to ugly people, ugly people may be reading PCOM and be offended.


    I will not say derogatory things about homosexuals....elton john or annoyingmoose


    I will attend a gay pride parade and walk hand in hand with annoyingmoose.

  5. Yesterday I was sitting around bored, reading all through Pcom, talking on the phone with friends etc etc. Well twice during the day, the subject of stalkers came up. These were not REAL stalkers...not in the sense that there was a threat behind the stalking.....these were 'stalkers' who were following them and stealing craft ideas from them. Did I explain that clearly??? So, this was a "ha ha" kind of stalker, a get a life kinda of stalker, a 'go get your own ideas' kind of stalker...not a 'I'm going to kill you and hurt your kids' kind of stalker.


    So, me, with my wierd sense of humor, thought it would be funny to post that I would like a stalker too.


    I now realize that this was in extreemly poor taste.


    There are people who have REAL stalkers, the kind who do want to hurt them, or their children. Stalking is not a joking matter to these people.


    So, what started as a joke, ended up hurting people that I would never dream of hurting.


    I am so sorry.

    Don't be so hard on yourself...you can offend people on PCOM saying the sky is blue, the grass is green, etc. etc.


    If you want to make friends, tell people the grass is purple.

  6. How BIG a Number is This





    This is too true to be very funny

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    = = = = =

    The next time you hear a politician use the

    word 'billion' in a casual manner, think about

    whether you want the 'politicians' spending

    YOUR tax money.

    A billion is a difficult number to comprehend,

    but one advertising agency did a good job of

    putting that figure into some perspective in

    one of its releases


    A. A billion seconds ago it was 1959.


    B. A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive.


    C. A billion hours ago our ancestors were

    living in the Stone Age.


    D. A billion days ago no-one walked on the

    earth on two feet.


    E. A billion dollars ago was only 8 hours and

    20 minutes, at the rate our government is

    spending it.


    While this thought is still fresh in our

    brain, let's take a

    look at New Orleans It's amazing what you can


    with some s imple division . .


    Louisiana Senator, Mary Landrieu (D), is

    presently asking

    the Congress for $250 BILLION to rebuild New

    Orleans .

    Interesting number, what does it mean?


    A. Well, if you are one of 484,674 residents


    New Orleans (every man, woman, child), you

    each get $516,528.


    B. Or, if you have one of the 188,251 homes in

    New Orleans , your home gets $1,329,787.


    C. Or, if you are a family of four, your


    gets $2,066,012.


    Washington , D.C .. HELLO!!! ... Are all your

    calculators broken??





    We'll still be after the inheritance



    Accounts Receivable Tax

    Building Permit Tax

    CDL License Tax

    Cigarette Tax

    Corporate Income Tax

    Dog License Tax

    Federal Income Tax

    Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)

    Fishing License Tax

    Food License Tax

    Fuel Perm it Tax

    Gasoline Tax

    Hunting License Tax

    Inheritance Tax

    Inventory Tax

    IRS Interest Charges (tax o n top of


    IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax),

    Liquor Tax,

    Luxury Tax,

    Marriage License Tax,

    Medicare Tax,

    Property Tax,

    Real Estate Tax,

    Service charge taxes,

    Social Security Tax,

    Road Usage Tax (Truckers),

    Sales Taxes,

    Recreational Vehicle Tax,

    School Tax,

    State Income Tax,

    State Unemployment Tax (SUTA),

    Telephone Federal Excise Tax,

    Telephone Federal Universal Service Fe

    e Tax,

    Telephone Federal, State and Local

    Surcharge Tax,

    Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax,

    Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring

    Charges Tax,

    Telephone State and Local Tax,

    Telephone Usage Charge Tax,

    Utility Tax,

    Vehicle License Registration Tax,

    Vehicle Sales Tax,

    Watercraft Registration Tax,

    Well Permit Tax,


    Workers Compensation Tax.



    Not one of these taxes existed 100

    years ago,

    and our nation was the most

    prosperous in the world.

    We had absolutely no national debt,


    had the largest middle class in the


    and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.


    What happened? Can you spell



    And I still have to 'press 1' for



    I hope this goes around THE

    USA at least 100 times



    What the heck happened?????


  7. True, but buying a home is not a short term investment. Recent years has ruined our perception of value, and those days are gone. You cannot expect to make a profit on a home you have not owned less then 5 years right now, just not happening. What we are seeing in home prices is a correction to the market, just like the stock market goes thru .... so does the housing market.


    And if the news media would just shut up about how bad the market is (which is wrong for our market anyway), people would not be as afraid to purchase. Thus helping the market recover faster!

    Well, if the market stays bad through the 2008 elections, we can all be saved by a Democrat in the White House.


    Higher taxes will be great for the housing market. :p :p

  8. Excellent post. The news media (aka. the "drive-by media") will play the bad news tune as long as any Republican is in office. If the Dems were in control in the highest offices in the land, I am certain the tune and tone of the drive-bys would change.

    So very true, the media is king of all negativity....doubly so with a Republican in power.


    The market is not great right now, but I'd be hesitant to believe anything the drive by media says.

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