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Everything posted by lisabug28

  1. dang it. I just went for the first time this week for this bed. I really liked it and had a few people who were going to come in and use it.
  2. beautiful as always!!! Let me know when you are ready to trade...about that time!
  3. too cute. The collars were a big hit by the way. Thanks for getting them so quick. You went above and beyond darling. It was nice meeting you. Luke has his on now!!!
  4. you know I'll always be ready to test some products
  5. My prayers are with you and your family during this time. May she rest in peace, but also in praise and worship that she has longed for.
  6. May God be with you and your family during this time.
  7. not a problem, Enjoy your dinner, I'll be going to bed SOON! so I may not get back to you until tomorrow. Pming you the address now.
  8. What an awesome deal. Girl, you are going to be BUSY! So you'll need a massage right, lol. Check out my pm if you haven't already.
  9. beautiful as always...I love the one with the two boys between the trees, and the baby with the drool bubbles.
  10. they said she has been on some heavy meds, and think she fell asleep with a cigarette. Sad, no matter the circumstances.
  11. I just talked to the friends I know, they are ok. It was an older woman who lived alone. They think she lost everything. They did take her to the hospital, don't how she is doing. They said she had recently just lost her daughter also. Send your prayers or good vibes her way. I asked them to update me if she needs anything.
  12. I'm still waiting to hear back from my friend...still no answer...beginning to get worried now. I'll let you guys know when I find out something.
  13. omg, I know a family in a mobile home on this road. I just tried to call, and got no answer. Glad everyone is safe though regardless of who it was.
  14. My thoughts and prayers with this family during this hard time. May God Bless everyone involved.
  15. NOPE. the green suv was me. got hit from behind trying to stop for the major wreck I am so sad for those involved in the major accident.
  16. thanks to all of you. Yep I'm wonderful was actually ok and VERY Lucky and surrounded by my guardian angels. I had 4 cuts on my hands, 1 on my elbow, and one on my leg where they had to bust the passengers window to get me out. Thank God I was by myself. All my stuff went out my back window, and my doggie wasn't with me. His food was and was all over 278. He now resides in a seat belt when he rides in the car. I know, a little crazy, but he's my baby. The bottom of my seat was in the shape of a V. And yes gail-e-spaz, there needs to be a traffic light there BADLY.
  17. I know this is an OLD post, but just figured I would tell everybody this is how I found out about p.com. I was the one in the overturned vehicle.
  18. I slept with my windows open last night and heard lots of sirens from 6:45 to 7 or so this morning. I was wondering what had happened.
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