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Posts posted by lisabug28

  1. It took us FOREVER!! to find the filter in my house. The unit is in the basement and there is no obvious door. We had 2 people come out and couldn't find it. We finally found someone who could. It was a small piece of metal at the bottom of the unit that you have to remove with a screwdriver and then wiggle the filter out. It is a major pain in the butt to replace! <_< but glad we finally found it.

  2. Yes, please do. I was stopped in that procession today after having lunch with family. Say a prayer for their safety and their families, and say a prayer of thanks for all they do for all of us.

  3. oh, no! sorry to hear that. Maybe this is just the path on the way to your dream job where you only have to drive a short distance to get there! More time with Peyton!

  4. It was good to meet you today. Sorry I didn't remember you from MacFarlane's - I feel like a heel for that - especially since you did sit with my friend and my kid! :lol:

    I'll remember you next time though, promise! ;)



    It's all good! No worries! I told you if you hadn't said her name, I wouldn't have recognized you either. I am hoping to make it to the one next Thursday, too. I'm also hoping there are no grammatical errors in this post. lmao!!!

  5. Why don't you go ahead and just finance the 5K with Wachovia. Put the difference between what you were going to put towards the car in her account. After the loan is approved, she can immediately make a payment for that amount, pay down the principal and avoid the additional interest? Would that work?



    great minds and all that. This was exactly what I was going to say when I was reading the post. Finance the 5K, put the difference straight towards the principal, and then it looks also better that she has had and will pay off a larger loan. The money will go straight back to them, or put the difference in a high interest savings account (good luck finding one), let it earn interest for a year, and then pay it back, and she will have it for that year just in case anything goes wrong with the car.

  6. I am working on several threads right now. \\\\You are correct though, there are several things you can purchace at drug stores, " hangover helper " (bad play on words to hamburger helper) and others are available right next to the drug tests you can purchace for kids. ;)



    chaser I think is what I am thinking of. You take it before you take your first drink.

  7. Well if I'm gonna stay pink I guess I'll have to talk a lot too!


    You didn't say anything about Gatorade, which is formulated to rehydrate and replenish fluid and electrolytes. :p



    so not going to tonk this thread with a pink comment...lol...


    Don't they make something you can take now before you start drinking that helps with the hangover part. It came out a few years ago. I can't think of the name of it though.


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