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Everything posted by LPPT

  1. 3/4 ton Com'n now!! love that baby! It is heavy enough that you have to down shift going to Mt. Eagle, it will burn the breaks up in it.
  2. LPPT

    More snow!

    We were only supposed to get a dusting yesterday!!!
  3. NC, could you take over for me, I gots ironing to do
  4. Now you are going to push buttons again!!! I DO NOT and I repeat DO not ever give bewbie hugs while driving! That would be extremely dangerous.
  5. MWE look down you have attracted a crowd!!!!!!!!!! NO I am not! I am a danger to society! Back away slowly, very slowly
  6. You know this was so much fun, I might start a thread claiming I was the one that made the decision on when to close the schools yesterday
  7. Did you say drink and drive in the same post
  8. I am never safe on the roads, that is why I drive a tank and won't give it up no matter how high gas prices go!! Well dang post some pictures of it, we are getting bored Only if I can video it!
  9. I can't! I am not allowed to drive anymore because of my bad judgment The economy is bad, people are waiting on the other shoe to drop. It makes us all feel a little out of control.
  10. I got you beat, I maxed out on the drama scale today, and I didn't even pick on anyone to amuse myself. PFFT and my snow pictures are still the best
  11. Nope started one with funny pictures the other day. people ignored it, they wanted to grouse in all the serious threads about what is wrong with the world. Watch the pages with fun topics or pics roll off to the second page unremarked in.
  12. See what happened! now nobody wants to play with me anymore
  13. I got plenty of bite marks on my hiney today!
  14. OHHH I must have missed something. I think we are just diggin on the drama of this one. I am not perfect, everyone screws up, I screwed up posting it on here.
  15. I had assumed I would be pulling over to snap pics of people off the road. That is why I was in low gear so I could pull off if I wanted to. The car that slid off behind me hit the slush, that was why I was filming the firetruck, with the wide tire base I thought there might be some video there. The wide angle of the camera just requires you point it, you do not have to watch the screen. I really and sincerely did not feel in any danger. I don't think I have ever been hateful to anybody on here.
  16. This is the most fun we have had on p.com in a long time! If I admit how horribly irresponsible I am then the fun will be over! I wouldn't want to spoil anyone's fun. Mine are daytime running lights. My assumption was this, he saw how slow I was going and did not want to be stuck behind me. He was looking at me when he pulled out.
  17. We were doing 35 mph on average, yes I picked up speed on the down hill. I was driving very recklessly as you can see, as were all the others on the road, except being the thrill seeker I am I decided to turn on the video camera to heighten the risk and odds of killing someone. I am just mean like that. I was traveling in a low gear to increase the odds of a slide, so hopefully I could get even more dramatic video. Notice any slamming of the brakes when the truck pulled out? I was hoping to slide into oncoming traffic to get better video, But instead my silly self was prepar
  18. Gosh guys, I think the candidates are interested in what yall have to say about them and the debate. Honest feedback would be good.
  19. Ok went back and looked at the video, because I realize because of the zoom the I look closer to the fire truck, watch the truck pass the orange sign on the right and and count the seconds before I pass it.
  20. I am going to explain it again, when I stopped to let the fire truck out I put my camera on zoom that is why the truck seems so close. My car was in second gear I let of the gas as I was going down hill. My car was slowing very rapidly at that point, I did not expect the truck to come tearing out in front of me, but because I was in low gear, I was not that worried about hitting him. I didn't think the fire truck was going over 35 either, he had to have 4 to car lengths in front of me whole time, I guess thats why the other truck thought he had time, but he started spinning because he
  21. I know I am a horrible person for having a video camera going while I was driving. I am expecting a knock on the door from the popo any second now. And yes I am an over grown teen that that races through the streets talking on the phone and eating cheese burgers. Would you like a description of my vehicle and license plate so you can get out of my way when you see me coming.
  22. Here it is http://paulding.com/forum/index.php?/topic/237240-the-district-19-debate/page__view__findpost__p__3077858
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