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Everything posted by lucky64

  1. Are you saying I do? If so, then yes. If you are saying others, then yes again! I guess your post can go both ways.
  2. Okay, this thread is about information on weather, do we really have to turn this thread into a drama fest, fighting thread, bickering thread? If he copies and pastes, so what, he is still getting us the information we need, if he is taking pictures of clouds, so what, he is getting the information we need, if he is filming the weather, so what, he is getting us the information we need. If he is posting modules, so what, he is getting the information we need. If he is posting, in caps (which I wish he wouldn't, to hard to read) and telling us to take cover, to show the urgency to do so, he
  3. And who are THESE people you are referring too?
  4. See, now this is nice. Spreading the love and warmth!!
  5. Don't sweat the small stuff. I was over it an hour ago!! I said what I had to say and moved on. Just send me a good storm and I will be happy!!! I want to take some good pictures. I'm surprised you don't realize or it hasn't clicked yet who I am. If you have, pm me.
  6. First of all I don't apprieciate the attack, second of all I know who you are, third of all I wasn't even talk about you, and if I was, I would have said it right to you. I don't hold back any punchs at all. Till, this day, I still watch your facebook page for updates, and glad to have you on pcom to keep us updated. I get very aggrevated with networks with their hurry up and wait for nothing. And as for some where else, I was here first, you weren't!!! Your hobby does save lives, you are a good samaritan and we need more like you!!!! So on that note, Welcome to p.com!!!
  7. I didn't read any of the posts, just your title to your thread. I can answer you this.....I was awoken this morning at 3:30 from some noise that wouldn't stop. I knew what it was, I asked God to make it stop after I couldn't take it any more. I tried to ignore it and go back to sleep and it didn't work. God did make it stop. I thanked him and Jesus. I talk to God and Jesus every single day, and not just for things.
  8. Don't sweat it people. It's hurry up and panic and then NOTHING!!!
  9. LMBO!!!! That was suppose to be legit. Not lagit!!
  10. You guys always have to just start some kind of drama!!!! I happen to like the color purple and pink. Why can't you people just be happy and spread the warmth???? There, how did I do guys? Was the complaint lagit?
  11. I'm not attacking. I'm just trying to correct the mistake you made in your paragraph when you wrote that Zoo doesn't insult nor name call in her posts. Mistakes happen, it's all good. I'm just tired of all the fighting.
  12. I have a bad habit using the word "YOU" as a general word, meaning everyone.
  13. Okay, my point is, we all know how zoo is, so why waste all that energy on her? What is the point? Why lower your standards to her? She calls people names, gets away with it because she is the golden child. Okay!!! When she posts, don't give her the satisfaction and reply. Don't open her post at all. I just don't get why people allow her to suck you in each and every time and get you to post to her threads. What is this hold that she has on your guys? It's like you feed the fire and then turn around and bitch about it. And yes, I made a mistake. I thought as I was posting, his na
  14. OMG, I'm so sorry, I thought you name was Guard Dog! Well, that is kinda a cool name!! As, for the comments, two wrongs don't make a right, and don't sink to her level. Why do that? What does it accomplish???
  15. First of all my kids NEVER behaved like that in a store and never left my side. Second if they ever did and a store clerk laid a hand on them, that store clerk would have had a bad day and both of us would be going to jail. With all the crime and kidnappings that is going on this day and age, it only takes a split second to take a child, even in a Dollar General Store. To have both parents in that store, neither one of them (to me) were doing their job of being parents and watching their son properly.
  16. And for the record, yes, this thread is a form of bullying. And guard dog, your statement to Rocky's mom is a bully statement as well. These ugly call outs, are getting old, plain and simple. Some of you are worse than middle schoolers. What will it take to have it sink in not to open her posts if she gets on your nerves that much????? And Love Bug, love the avatar!!!!
  17. Whoa, hold up, she is NOT a bully nor hateful..!!!! That was an attack, and just not right!!!
  18. I didn't see any of those. However, they did have equipment, and I did see should dropoffs. I just did the posted speed limit that it said to do. I was waiting for someone to smash into those concrete barriers they put up when they work on the roads, or lose a side mirror when they hit one of those barrels. But no one did. My worst fear did come true yesterday tho. A cement truck was being towed and the tire blew and it shredded all over I20 and I was right behind it and I was trying to dodge it so it wouldn't hit my truck and windshield. It wasn't fun, especially with a semi behi
  19. I saw a lot of those speeding. Then I saw one actually pull one over on the other side of the high way. I saw a lot of State Troopers, cops out in all of the states except GA, AL. This on I20. I drove 5 over all the way home, except in LA, I didn't push it to much in that state. I got busted in that state about 7 years ago doing 90 in a 70 on I20, so I do the speed limit to a T in that State. Thank you for answering my question about the speed limit when they aren't working in the construction zone and when it's raining. They were just speeding through it. I know I made a few drivers
  20. I left yesterday at 6am and got to Waxahachie, TX at 6:27pm (GA time) then drove to Terrell, TX spent the night. Got up at 5 this morning, got on the road at 6am and got home (here) at 7:30pm. I'm use to it. Use to make that trip every year like that for years. Pluse, I have to be home for Super Bowl Sunday!!!!
  21. Alabama speed limit through out the whole state is any where from 55, 60, 70.
  22. I left yesterday for Texas to pick up my daughter and got home today. Going through Alabama, there were road signs that read, "Road Construction Speed Limit 55, fines double!". My question is: There was no construction going on and it was raining. People weren't doing the speed that was posted but I still did. On weekends, when there isn't any work going on, do you still do the speed limit in that area, or do you do the normal posted speed limit which was 70, like some people were still doing? Some, I could tell were doing around 60/65, and some doing 55 like me. What about if
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