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Everything posted by Bradybunchmom

  1. as anyone seen the new one yet? Was it any good?
  2. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just wow- that is awesome Bobby! Still need to get with you about what we discussed. Talk to you soon.
  3. There is one in Bremen- Haralson County- If you go up Bankhead Hwy towards Bremen it's on the right. It's called Bremen Food Bank. Fullerville Mission in Villa Rica use to have a Food Bank- not sure if they still do or not (haven't volunteered there in awhile)
  4. This post reminds me of the lady that was driving that way in Marietta the other day. Down 278- She was a white female with a White Toyota Avalon- Realtor Tag- GR678
  5. A lot of times if you explain the situation to the Billing person at your Dr.s office and show them proof that the hospital has "written" off your portion of the bill not covered by insurance the Dr. will do the same. Good luck.
  6. If you've never been down there - this a HUGE place. Not only do they feed and bed 300 men a night- but they also have (or did have) at one point a part of the facility set aside for women and their kids who were homeless. We (our church) use to go one Saturday a month and take food and feed the men. Because of the "management" there we now just have a homeless ministry and take food in the back of the church van on Thursdays and feed anyone who needs it out of the back of the van- at the different parks and known homeless "hangouts".
  7. Then bad as I hate to admit it- JetMan gave you some pretty sound advice. Don't forget about White Oak Park- two small lakes that are catch and release only.
  8. Are you looking more to stream fish (trout) or sit on the bank and lake fish? I do know that they have catch and release and White Oak Park.
  9. IT TAKES MORE THAN BLOOD It takes more than blood to be a dad. Oh this is surely a proven fact. I've seen men give their hearts to a child, Never once thinking of taking it back. A Dad is the one who is always there, He protects a child from all harm. He gives a child the assurance that he will be their anchor in any storm. A real Dad is a man that teaches his child all the things in life he needs to know. He's the tower of strength a child leans on. The source of love that helps them grow. There are men tha
  10. My prayers are with you and your family.
  11. I know the feeling!!!!!!!!!!!!! Went to my MIL's house today and cut her grass (big yard- real big yard) at 12:30, then came home and been cleaning house.
  12. I tried to get her to sing last night- she wouldn't! Missed you last night- but I did get to meet several PCommers
  13. Yeah- I tried to get you sing last night- um what the heck? I think you should do "My Humps" and yes someone please video
  14. These two are the main ones the soap went to - (I do know they shared with the guys in their units)..
  15. I will- I have a ton of pics he sends, sometimes I just feel the need to post them. He told me today that there is an Admiral (I think is what he said - my memory not what it use to be ) is coming over from DC to give them a special comendation for their work over there. They are the only unit over there with no women in it so they are out on missions all of the time and my cousin is a scout sniper on an MRAP. He loves it - but says he sure does get tired of getting shot at sometimes. He titled this one- Keeping it real in Hollywood! Taking a break This one
  16. Just remember it's not always people being lazy - some people have what is known as OCD Hoarding.
  17. Have you taught her to crochet yet? She could make little bookmarks! That's great that she is on her way to becoming a self supporting woman!
  18. I have over 40 pics that he has sent and in 90% of them he is smiling and so are his buds- even this one-
  19. My cousin sends alot of pics from his time in Iraq. Because he sends them mostly to his mom and I, he always post some really funny ones with the not so funny this is why I;m really here ones. Just thought I'd share and for those of you with family serving please know you are all in my thoughts and prayers dailey! My cuz is a scout sniper on the MRAP and always says - "Just another day in Hollywood!" Can you say KISS (my cuz is the one on the end w/ hat) - Self explanatory kinda hard to see the bullet holes in the windows. Cuz holding his "Ginny" a
  20. If you can't find limestone get some really nice wood and use for the bench seat
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