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Lady Raider

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Everything posted by Lady Raider

  1. AWW the 5th is my Daddy's Birthday...
  2. Tona did you do any stripping last night to help your sista out? LOL
  3. Dallas not equiped to handle that many people...
  4. Good Morning pcom it is already hot this morning
  5. How true LOL MY hubby use to be hot natured and I was cold natured... well those days are gone lOL now I ma the one who is hot natured and he is cold natured..
  6. GEAgirl that picture looks like you is it? I seen the pictures you posted from your trip that you had taken.. and that looks like you...
  7. All I wanna dooo wooooooooooooooooo LOL I hope whoa willie sees this...
  8. so you did make Big T give the chin a bath LOL you said you was LOL
  9. This one is gonna be a close one Tona you better get to stripping LOL I have voted 2x... now son is voting
  10. Great story and Yes I believe in paying it fwd
  11. I will get my mama's recipe it is sooo good.. she has been busy making fig preserves this week.
  12. I have a nephew that just got home, he will be going to Germany on the 15 of this month
  13. I talked to M this morning she said tell you hey.. she is dreading going in for meetings all day tomorrow.. LOL she wanted me to come and sit with her.. I ask her if she had lost her mind LOL
  14. Aug 26 is not to far away I will have to check the store out.
  15. I have not seen her on either.. I hope she is ok..
  16. Good LUck I hope you do find him...
  17. I recently bought some of the pet shampoo you have, and I have been using it now for 3 weeks once a week on my pet... he had really bad dry itchy skin... and I had tried everything.. The shampoo I bought from y'all is WONDERFUL! my little pet is no longer doing all the scratching he was doing, and his coat looks so much healthier. I have been telling family about the shampoo. and some of them wants to try it.. so if you sell out you better make more LOL anyway Thanks Steve for pointing me in the right direction when I was there... There were so many to choose from.. but I think
  18. Hey stranger were you been? good to see you.. and No I have never heard of Tina
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