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Lady Raider

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Everything posted by Lady Raider

  1. when I bought this laptop they had a free upgrade to windows 7 well I got it today actually I got 2 of them ... long story.. but anyway should I download and replace vista? or should I just keep vista? which is better? and what is the difference? also should I keep windows xp on my desk top or replace it with windows 7? I do not have a problem with vista now on my laptop.. but would I have to replace older equipment like scanner?printer? and would my camera be compatible with the windows 7 on my desk top? Vista was not compatible with some of my older equipment, but
  2. just checking to see how many pips I got LOL
  3. Those little king switches hurt worse then a big limb would LOL
  4. They just showed it on wsb also..
  5. yes I wanted to know if you still had the digital scale for sale? mine broke this week.
  6. I remember those little flutters.. wow sounds a lot of girls are gonna be the newest pcom members..
  7. Oh Girl I use to yank mine up and bust their butts right then and there.. I did not care who liked it.. The reason I would not wait until I got them home was because I would forget LOL I say do what you need to do to get your kids to mind and keep them safe in a public place. and I would never say **wait until your Daddy gets home**
  8. Have you already named her Ava's? I like that name.. AJ have you picked a name out for your little one yet? you are getting close
  9. I am here because: 1. It has been a great support system when I have needed it 2. The news, rather Pubby reports it or pcom members report it sometimes it is brought here first 3. I have met some wonderful people here who I can honestly say are my friends 4. Great place to sell items that you want to get rid of. 5. The coupon forum, I like reading about the money everyone has saved 6. This place is like visiting with friends and being able to stay home while I do it.
  10. That is why it is easier to add him to your friends list.., all you have to do then is go to your profile and the names you add to your friends list are there all ready.
  11. Y'all have been quite lately are all of you ok?
  12. go to members look to the right side of page click on use advanced filter then type his name in the blank box then scroll down and click on apply filters or you could add him to your friends list and then when you want to find him he will auto come up in your profile toward the bottom
  13. I seen an interview with Miriah Carey and she said she could not believe they wanted her to do that part with no make up LOL she plays a great part in that movie..
  14. LOL I have yet to post a u tube... one of these days I am gonna try it LOL
  15. you need to make you some deer jerky..
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