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Joe Sixpack

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Posts posted by Joe Sixpack

  1. Joe, Detroit, you Skate,Play Hockey?

    I have no use for Ice except to keep my beer cold at the lake. That's why I live in the South (with a capital S). B)


    Left the north in 81 for the sunbelt and NEVER looked back. (even left the lights on :p )

  2. We should have a p.com masquerade party! "Come as your Avatar" (although I don't know how I'd come as a 60 Imapala, unless I just showed up in it)

    Great, how do I make a sixpack costume?


    Oh, wait, I have an idea.


    Off to the craft room ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>

  3. I don’t know why, but I would really like this place to succeed. I guess it is just the thought of a group of people trying to play with the big boys.


    I am so sick of the chain restaurants we have in my area of Paulding. We mostly eat in Douglasville, but distance wise, it is about six of one, half a dozen of the other between Old Hiram and Douglasville.


    I’ll give it a try at any rate. We eat out too much but I would like to find a place that offers what I look for in a restaurant. Good food, fast, friendly service, atmosphere, cold, cold beer, and patio seating. This sounds like a possible fit for me. Live music is a plus not a deal breaker.

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