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Joe Sixpack

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Posts posted by Joe Sixpack

  1. I noticed a few days ago that pubby also owns the domain name p.com. I was wondering if this was because the “nickname” pcom has become so prevalent, or does Pubby secretly have plans to start a new site devoted to the letter “P”? :ph34r:


    What’s next? A site devoted to the letter I? That may increase your icom I guess. ;)


    OK, so I'm bored. I think a guy has a right to vent now and again. Unfortunately, nothing is ticking me off right this flat second. :)

  2. Joe,Where is your island? I need a get away.

    Leave Key West on a helicopter, go ten miles south. Look for a cylinder shaped island . . . that’s mine. You may land in the front yard if my copter is on the pad. If I’m not home, the key is under the mat (assuming it is locked which it rarely is). Make yourself at home.

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