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Joe Sixpack

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Posts posted by Joe Sixpack

  1. OK – I have posted this question at least twice in the past two months, and with the exception of BravesDave, no one has responded. B)


    This is it folks, one game from the title AGAIN. Am I the only one excited about Fall Ball in Atlanta? :D


    So, will we have Braves baseball in October once again? Could be the night! 2-5 in the fifth as I type! :blink: :lol: :blink:

  2. God bless them! I love the underdog fighting back.


    School will take care of business when it is feasible and safe to do so. Sucks if you are a senior, but otherwise, it will happen when it happens.


    Hate it for the two income earners that need to make allowances for the situation, let alone the single parents out there. But, what can you do?


    Extreme situations call for extreme measures.


    I bet MOST employers, debtors, ect. Understand. If not, they have never lived it.

  3. rajuncajun....


    My family and i tried your resturant about a month ago i think it was. I will have to say it left a horrible taste in my mouth. We had gone many times before it closed the last time and liked it so, i thought we were try it again after it reopened. After reading your posts i will only say we will give it a try again sometime in the future...... <_<

    I think that was the most backhanded complement I have ever read. :blink:


    And I know, I have given my fair share of backhanded complements. :D B) :D

  4. <snip> Most ISP accounts come with free webspace 5-10 MB that can be addressed using the 'http://.... " URL location. It is probably a good idea to move the image there. <snip>





    No kidding? Where would I find that?


    I knew it was a bandwidth stealing offence but I couldn't figure any other way to do it without placing it on my own web page. And that would expose my true identity. B)


    Do you mean the personal web page option with Comcast, aol, or what have you? I will give that a go. That should be more discreet. And legal. Well, more legal. :D

  5. Can you post a menu with prices?


    I would love to stop by and give it a try to help out a locally owned business.


    Is it casual, dress, or what. I loved that restaurant’s atmosphere and I am glad to see someone had the ability to bring her back. :)

  6. Well that was fun, but I think HiramGirl still needs a hand. So this is how I do it although there may be better ways.


    Find a picture that you want,

    Right click on the picture,

    Select “Properties” at the bottom of the dropdown menu,

    Copy the web address listed,

    Open “My Controls” located on Fastread Page to the left/top,

    Select “Edit Signature”

    Add a signature of your choosing,

    Click on “IMG” button,

    Paste address over the “http://” that is highlighted.

    Click on “Update Signature”


    Your done.

    Hopefully this dose not break any laws. If it does, and there is a “legal” way to do it, someone let me know.


    Edit to add that there are dementions, 100x100 I think and size restrictions 20 Gb I think. That info will be listed on the “Properties” menu.

  7. You're thinking a pound of feathers and a pound of paper. Those do fall at the same rate. Why? Because they both weigh the same, right?


    But when you talk about a 54 year old guy whose beer belly precedes him everywhere he goes and succumbs very quickly to the laws of gravity, now, that's a different story! ;)



    I think Galileo would side with glockuser on this one. However at what 10,000 feet, I think rate of acceleration and inertia take over some basic rules.


    There are three things that affect the rate of fall - inertia, air resistance, and gravity. Objects with more mass have more inertia than objects with less mass.


    For example, a boulder would have more inertia than a pebble. Air resistance acts against lighter objects unless the object is fairly compact. Lastly, gravity affects the rate of fall by pulling the objects down. Gravity, like inertia also, affects objects with more mass.

  8. I was wondering if anyone knew of a homebrew store close by. I use the one in Marietta, but would rather spend my money here in Paulding. I would like to get some brewing for Octoberfest. Unforfunatly, my airlock has a crack in it and needs to be replaced.


    Any help would be appreciated.

  9. Mrs. Sixpack does most of the cooking, but I know my way around the kitchen pretty well too. We eat together (real food) most nights, but tonight was “Every Man for Himself Night.”


    My wife and I always comment on the meal at the end. Usually it is a complement. But we both like to experiment, so honest opinions are welcome as well.

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