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Joe Sixpack

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Posts posted by Joe Sixpack

  1. Well 1st off I would like to say I like the new fomat.

      A neat thing I have noticed is when I see the p.commers at the bottom of the same thread I am on I can put my mouse over their name and it tells me if they are "reading" or "posting" on that thread.  Pretty kool!!!  So now we can see if someone is posting without having to click on  the "Last Click".  I have also noticed that under every users name their is a little "icon" that says "On" or "off".  I have figured out this means that P.commer is On P.com right then or "off" when they are not online.  That is also Kool. And how there is the places where everyone lives. (If they have filled that in on their "My  Controls")

    SoooOOooo  With that.....What have ya'll noticed different?



    My “ON” button may be deceiving. I rarely turn the Internet off, let alone bother to log off p.com. I may have 6-8 pages running on my puter at any given time as I like to hop around. I have been known to just go to bed while in the middle of reading a post.


    I wake up the next morning, shake my mouse, (computer mouse) and presto, I’m right were I left off.


    This probably drives Pubby crazy wondering why I reading the same post for 7-8 hours.


    Let’s face it, I’m just lazy. I also leave my socks wherever I drop them.



  2. Welcome, gentle Sir Knight, to the Castle Anthrax!


    The beds here are warm and soft.....and very, *very* big.

    Sir Galahad.....the Chaste.


    We are but 8 score young blondes and brunettes...all between 16 and 19 1/2....


    The best of the movies I think. I loved the bloody knight scene the best.

    well and the rabbit . .


    and the weight of the sparrows . . .


    and. . . Oh fish feathers I loved them all.


    I am going to now gallop around the house slapping coconuts together. Excuse me for a few moments.

  3. I would love a MPTV channel. PBS used to show them all the time while I growing up (or older I should say).


    Now I have to suffice with the movies on DVD. I am sure they must sell the shows too, but there is something special about catching it on the tube.


    - Blessed are the cheesemakers

  4. Joe,


    A long drying time would be the first indication. If you normally have a large buildup of lint on the lint screen (and some people forget to clean it every time) you should have it checked every 6-12 months.


    Look at the vent to the outside first. If you see a lot of lint "hanging out" on the edges of the vent check it.


    There is a tool that is available for this purpose. It's like a long cable with a rounded brush on the end. It rotates thru the vent. I will check for a link and get back to you.  :)


    There are also companies that do vent cleaning for a/c that could handle it.



    Thanks PBiz - I would appreciate that. I was thinking there must be some sort of a snake you could use.


    I have a long dying time but I also have an old dryer. It has had the long dry since we moved in and the house was new, so I don't think there is a correlation.


    However, we have been here for 3 years now and I was thinking it could be due.

  5. On a similar topic, since Teacherman got his answer, I deem this a non-highjacking offence, how do you make sure the vent to the outside is clear.


    Mine travels some 20+ feet before the outside vent. I’m paranoid about dryer fires too.

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