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Joe Sixpack

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Posts posted by Joe Sixpack

  1. Our reporter Larry Mahle sought additional information on the injured player and was told that the youngster had been knocked out cold but has since recovered with no apparent serious injury.


    "He had feeling and movement in all extremities" Malhe said he was told. Indeed, the injury is proof of the hard hitting nature of this 'backyard brawl'.

    Good to hear. My daughter said they removed him with a neck brace (precautionary I assume) and that made me nervous for this young man and his family.

  2. awww thanks Joe! I work too much to be on here and when I get home I can barely stay awake to check homework, etc... Right now, I'm waiting for my friend Lisa to pick me up so we can go to Cowboys to act like we can dance...Man, why does Wild Bills have to be so far away????

    Paulding is primed for a good dance club. I am sure one is on the way unless there is an ordinance against dancing here that I don’t know about.

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