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Posts posted by retiredteacher

  1. I am a member but am going to cancel. They send a magazine out so maybe that's where the ad would be. I told Steve (Handy Hubby) that I'd rather find somone through you guys since we can talk about them if they don't do a good job! Steve and Appliance Care have both been top notch.


    I heard their ad on the radio and my cousin in Charlotte uses them. She doesn't have a pcom!

  2. I got the balls with feathers for my cat-daughters. We now have feathers all over the LR floor. No squabbles since I bought 3 for the two girls!


    BTW, my Sugar, from the shelter, now has the reputation of being the easiest cat that Dr. Judy has ever treated! She had a lump removed from her hip with stitches aplenty. He said he'd never had a more cooperative animal! She is not at all afraid and just so sweet. We got her in July and it feels as if we've had her forever. :wub:

  3. My nephew, a Marine, will be going to Iraq after the first of the year. He told us at Thanksgiving that his platoon had been trained for one mission, he's a machine gunner, but had been told that they would be doing house to house searches, which they are not trained for.


    Last week he and another guy in his platoon were pulled and will now be training Iraqi soldiers. Apparently this is not unusual. Bothers me most that they are trained for one thing and doing another thing...

  4. I've used Drs. Lugar, Bowen and Judy since coming to Paulding 7 years ago. Settled on the Drs. Judy (we've seen both of them) because of the staff, the prices and the doctors. They were extremely caring when I adopted Sugar in July and treated her really gently as they checked her over.

    I was impressed also when we had our 18 yr old cat put down in 2005 from kidney failure. They did all they could to keep him alive until my son came home from a business trip but when it couldn't be avoided they were so kind and respectful of Max and his humans.

    I have nothing against the other vets but I just feel that Dr Judy and son are the best fit for us.

    BTW, the number is 770-445-6185

  5. My best friend's MIL is 91 and when she moved into a retirement apartment many years ago, the Baptist Church across the street asked her to come and teach them about Jewish customs and holidays.


    She did so and has celebrated many of her holidays with those Baptist men and women who have almost adopted her! After all, how do we understand our Old Testament if we don't understand their customs? I believe that celebrating the Jewish holidays as Jesus did should only bring us closer to him.


    There are some lovely books available that are written for children BTW.


    PS: I make some mean latkes!!!

  6. They are just like kids. If you have 3, they all will be different - doesn't matter if they are male or female! I have always had males, loving and otherwise. I have 2 females now, both rescues. First one was a biter until she began to trust me, second one is a lover! She loves everyone but stood her ground when I introduced her into the family.


    You should choose one that you take to immediately. Go visit the shelter and watch them when you approach the cage. Some will reach out to touch you! Others will just look at you. You'll recognize your baby when you see him/her.

  7. That is very disturbing, QueenB! I looked all over and did not see her. There were not a lot of cats there. Where was she being kept? They didn't know anything about her and just said that "a couple of rescues came in and picked up a number of cats" on Tuesday. I went back to the quarantine building where she had been and also looked in the Kitty room. :(


    I'll still pay for her adoption if she's there...

  8. There is a very sweet female cat at the shelter. I saw her Sunday and she came in as a stray on 11/9 so her time is about up. I want her but things at home (88 y/o Mom) won't let me get another cat now. If someone wants her, I will pay for her adoption. I'm going to the shelter tomorrow and give them a donation to cover her adoption in hopes that it will extend her time.


    Let me know if someone gets her, please.

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