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Posts posted by retiredteacher

  1. I lost 2 doxie babies to parvo 25 years ago when it was first being talked about in the media. I know how helpless you feel. About 3 weeks ago I lost my siamese, Sassy, to a quick illness. I don't know of anything that has hurt me like that did. She was my baby girl. I know she is on the Rainbow Bridge with the other much-loved babies waiting for me to join her.



  2. I agree with ma'am/sir for everyone as well as Mr/mrs/miss for most adults. Keep in mind that I'm WAY older than you kids when I tell you that my first grade teacher was "Miss Anna." That was what everyone called her.


    My mom's closest friends were my "aunts." My best friend's children call me "aunt." In fact her son was horrified when, at age 5, he found out that my son was not his real cousin!

  3. Back in 1971, I was a 3rd year teacher and we had integrated the faculties of all schools in Augusta. The teachers were very welcoming and the kids were just as innocent of us as we were of them. We all learned a lot that year. One thing I rememember most vividly was an ancient (to me) tiny seventh grade teacher, Miss Garvin.


    Miss Garvin was James Brown's teacher and had gained a lot of importance on that account. He visited her at the school while I was there. I digress.


    One day I heard an indignant howl coming from a few doors down the hall. There was a door marked "clinic" but the clinic was, in reality, downstairs next to the principal's office. I just supposed that they had neglected to take the sign down when the clinic moved downstairs. Upon investigation, I found Miss Garvin in the room and when I looked in, I saw an old-fashioned clawfoot bathtub which she was filling with warm water! She had a boy in class that she had warned about his "hygiene" and since he had neglected to deal with it, SHE was taking the iniative. She made him take a good bath then and there. I later found out that that not all that uncommon, but only had to be done every few years to get everyone to check their "hygiene!"

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